Agenda item

Review of Membership and Attendance.


Members discussed membership and attendance and raised the following issues:


Concern was raised in respect of vacancies and non-attendance of Members from Committee B (The Church of England ) and Committee C (Teacher’s Association) which resulted in the last 4 meetings being inquorate. The Chair explained he had made enquiries with the Bishop and with Reverend Stephens to try and identify an Anglican representative and he would look to make further attempts to fill these vacancies. Andrew Sercombe confirmed that in accordance with the Terms of Reference the nominee should be representative of the religion, denomination or associations in question.


In respect of identifying further representatives from the Teacher’s Association members recognised the additional pressures facing teaching and other professional staff in giving up their time to attend meetings.


Members recognised that schools were a key partner in helping to shape RE provision throughout the Borough and teacher involvement was crucial in developing the agreed syllabus.


Members discussed practical ways of raising the profile of SACRE and appointing to  the vacancies by emphasising the importance of its work and the professional and developmental opportunities that exist for individual’s to help shape future RE provision in schools.


The clerk informed the meeting he had had some initial discussions with a colleague in Rotherham and he would look to explore possibilities of sharing good practice and resources including membership.


Members recognised that appointing to the outstanding vacancies was a priority as SACRE needed its full complement of members to ensure it was effective and able to drive forward its work programme, particularly in reviewing the Agreed Syllabus and publishing its Annual Report.


Mrs J Gessler informed the group this would be her last meeting as she was moving out of the area. Members thanked Mrs Gessler for her service and contribution to SACRE.




            The following actions be undertaken:-


            a)         The Chair and Vice Chair draft a letter be sent to all schools             seeking nominations for Committee C (Teacher’s Association)            and emphasising the opportunity to be involved in shaping and             developing an agreed syllabus.

b)          A letter be forwarded to Church of England Schools in the    Borough seeking nominations for Committee B (Church of     England) and C (Teacher’s Association) vacancies.

c)          The work of SACRE and a request for nominations to             outstanding vacancies on Committee B and C be raised at a      future Primary and Secondary Headteacher’s Forum.

d)           Jonathon Sharpe to raise the issue of unfilled vacancies at a                                   future Directors of Diocesan meeting with a view to seeking                                nominations.

e)          A letter be forwarded to all Chairs of Governing Bodies to raise         the profile of the work of SACRE and seek nominations to the        vacancies on Committees B and C.

f)           A press article be drafted to raise public awareness of SACRE         and its purpose and importance.

g)          Jonathon Sharpe to contact the teachers Union ATL and NUT to     seek nominations for representatives; and

h)         Mrs Gessler’s resignation be noted and the SACRE express its        gratitude for her service and contribution to SACRE.


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