Agenda item

Behaviour Inclusion Programme Overview.


The Panel gave consideration to a report relating to Team Doncaster’s ambition to have an inclusive education system to ensure young people were being provided with the best education offer to them.


A behaviour programme has been established, commencing in the Autumn of 2016 gathering of systems wide intelligence, Spring to Autumn 2017 addressing current unmet need and address demands on the present system with the final phase from Autumn 2017 to Spring 2018 implementing strategic commissioning intentions. 


As part of the phase one key finding report, it was acknowledged that Doncaster had a higher than average number of pupils in Pupil Referral Units with a statement of special education needs or education, health and care plan and of the authorities that report no permanent exclusions Doncaster has the highest level of fixed term exclusions, amongst a number of other key issues that had been highlighted.


It was hoped that by focusing on improvements and the recommendations from the key findings reports, the following benefits to children and young people would be evident:


·         Improved outcomes for vulnerable children in and outside of mainstream education;

·         A diverse Alternative Provision offer that would meet young people’s needs locally and therefore Reduce the volume of out of authority placements;

·         Clear, integrated decision making pathways and systems that helps prevent escalation of needs, would improve family experience, reduce duplication of effort and funding across the health and social care system;

·         Pupil attendance, behaviour and attainment be improved;

·         Reduce the number of FTE (and PEX) through a more integrated approach to meeting the needs of all children and young people earlier;  and

·         Better outcomes for our vulnerable children when moving into adulthood.


Due to the number of recommendations from the phase 2 findings report, they would be addressed in two stages between July and September with commissioning plans in place for the new academic year 2018/19, with regular progress reports being provided to the thematic strategic board.


Concern was expressed by Members that exclusion was what some children or young people with behavioural issues aimed to achieve.  Examples of young people being removed from school and helping with projects in, for example, the local park were raised, with some of the young people’s behaviour continuing to disrupt those that were wishing and trying to re-engaged.  It was stressed that refocusing and a new model of delivery was required within pupil referral units and that they should not be used as a final education destination. 


Members were saddened to learn that some children at Key Stage 2 age were in pupil referral units and learned that it could be a varying level of seriousness that could have led to them being removed from school.  It was recognised that it ranged from a child not wearing the correct uniform to carrying a knife.


It was acknowledged that behaviour policies would never be the same across all Doncaster’s schools, however it was essential that schools adhered to their policies.  Members reiterated that ultimately parents needed to work with the stronger families programme and early help where there was a whole host of support if behaviour was proving to be very problematic and irreversible.


Members wished to see an improvement in the quality of education in pupil referral units and for them not to be seen as the last place to educate a child or young person, particularly if they were suffering with autism, mild learning disabilities or emotional issues.


It was stressed that it was a school’s responsibility to ensure that children and young people remained in main stream education but Members were advised as part of the phased improvements investigations and discussions with Chief Executives of MATs and Head Teachers were taking place into what specialist units or learning centres may be required.


Need better evidence of why not working in the classroom – need Wrap around system.


RESOLVED that the report be noted and an update be provided at a future meeting on progress.


Supporting documents: