Agenda item

Carers Strategy Progress Report 2017.


The Stronger Communities Manager presented a report which outlined progress made with the Carers Strategy 2017. In 2015-16, the Council, in partnership, created a vision for Carers in Doncaster. Carers of all ages in Doncaster were recognised for the vital contribution they make, have a strong voice that influences improvement, are respected as partners in care and are able to tap into support they need, when they need it in a way that they choose. Young carers would not be expected to provide care but if they choose to do so they will be supported to prevent negative impact on their life chances.


The vision led to a co-produced Doncaster Carers Strategy 2015-2020 which was attached at Appendix 1 to the report. It was reported that since that time a collaborative Carers Strategic Oversight Group (CSOG) had been established to structure, drive and challenge the Council and partners approach and support in delivering the vision and was co-chaired by representatives of carer groups, which was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


Members were advised that the Carers Strategic Oversight Group and the supporting delivery structure of themed task groups attached at Appendix 3 of the report had been working towards establishing a robust partnership plan to focus and target improvements for Doncaster carers. It was noted that at Appendix 4 of the report a one-year report had been compiled in November 2016 highlighting some of the key steps taken during this first year of partnership. A draft action plan, covering the previous 2016 actions and the next steps for further improvements through 2017-2018 was currently under consideration by the Carers Strategic Oversight Group attached at Appendix 5 of the report.


It was further noted that Doncaster were waiting for confirmation of this year’s annual Carers Survey to determine the impact of changes made on carers themselves, which is due in September 2017 to re-prioritise the action plan as appropriate.


The Stronger Communities Manager presented a small example from a care user to the Panel, which presented positive outcomes for the patient and their family. She stated that the aim was to have a positive story for all patients.


Following the brief presentation, Members sought clarity and asked questions on a number of issues as follows:-


In response to whether there would be extra support given to those people receiving Universal Credit, it was reported that that extra support would be given and those people were being targeted by DWP and the Benefits Service.


Members noted that a flexible short-breaks scheme was in operation, and questioned  how the Council was meeting the level of need. It was reported that this area had been identified of needing improvement to ensure users could access one-off payments. It was noted that there was a need to have a more person centred approach and a desire to have more bespoke packages available.


An example from a Member with regard to a young carer whose parent suffered with MS and had experienced problems with his attendance at school, he stated that although the issues around his education were now concluded he was experiencing difficulty in paying broadband fees. He asked whether there were any ways in which he could be assisted financially. The Director reported to the Panel that this was a particular passion of the responsible Cabinet Member and it was clear to see the disadvantages for young carers which need addressing. In the first instance, it was hoped that young people wouldn’t find themselves in this position, schools being aware and having knowledge of problems incurred by young carers. It was felt that this was currently varied and inconsistent. He explained that the Children and Young Peoples Plan aimed to address these issues and it was noted there was a need for packages of education to be developed.


A Panel Member indicated to the Panel that she had had some experiences of working in this field and knew too well of the impact financial constraints had on young carers. She asked whether the Young Carers organisation was still active. The Director stated that he felt that the care family and support community contract which had now been re-let to Barnados didn’t do as much as it should do and the voice of the young carers required escalating as a priority. He also stated that he would be challenging academies principles for abilities and achievement of young carers. It was reported that the Council had a moral obligation to meet the needs of young carers and suggested that an update on young carers be placed on the work plan for a future meeting.


With regard to tips or best practice guidance, it was questioned whether anything was available for those employers that currently need help in supporting carers. It was reported that there was currently 1200 carers who were employment fit but were unable to work because of their caring responsibilities. Members were advised that there was a significant % of employers signing up to progress and implementing changes. It was noted that work would be carried out with Team Doncaster Partnership through the Chamber.


RESOLVED that the current work on the Carers Strategy be noted and support be given to increasing the focus and challenge to partnerships to effectively progress this work for Doncaster.

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