Agenda item

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2017


Dr Rupert Suckling was in attendance at the meeting to present his Annual Report to Council, which he outlined was his third Annual Report since he had been in post and was an independent report on the health of people of Doncaster. Members were informed that it was not designed to be a performance report of the public health function nor a performance report of the NHS; it was an overview of the progress made against the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Borough.


Dr Suckling referred to his first Annual Report when he spoke of the 20, 30, 40, 10 approach and now was returning to this approach to re-emphasise its importance. This referred to health being influenced by 20% clinical care, 30% health behaviours, 40% social and economic factors and 10% the built environment, and was looking within his Annual Report of the steps that could be taken to improve health and intervene in health problems.


It was reported that this year, there would be greater focus on the role of the Council and its partners in improving and protecting the health of the people of Doncaster.  In each of the blocks, Members noted that there would be an update as to what was happening and some examples of real life stories.


The Overall Picture

It was reported that health was measured by life expectancy and whilst the average life expectancy of people in Doncaster wasn’t falling, it was remaining stable, which bucked the trend of the rest of the country where the average life expectancy was falling due to austerity.  Members noted however that in terms of healthy life expectancy, whilst people were living longer, once people reached the age of 60+, many people were living with a health condition.



Dr Suckling reported that a lot of time and money had been invested in supporting women to stop smoking during pregnancy, in order to ensure that children were given the best start in life.  Doncaster had seen one of the biggest declines in smoking in pregnancy across the country, which was very pleasing.  Additionally, the Early Help Strategy and the improvement of physical education and activity within the curriculum was further working towards improving health outcomes.  Funding had been received from Sport England which would promote healthy lifestyles. However, there was now the need to put the plans into action and successfully deliver the strategies.


Good Economic Growth

Members were informed that great importance had been placed on economic regeneration and a lot of growth within the economy in Doncaster had been witnessed. However, this needed balancing alongside greater social regeneration and working with communities to ensure holistic health and social care was achieved in all areas.


Preventable Disability

In terms of preventable disability, there were a number of strategies in place with regard to this and a lot of emphasis on tobacco and substance misuse in order to ensure that healthier lives were achieved, and preventable mortality addressed.  In addition to this, licensing powers were being explored to determine whether they could be used to address health inequalities in terms of preventable illness and disability.


Unfairness and Inequality

Dr Suckling reported that in the past, there had been a large focus on BME Inequalities and work had been done to address these, and now, moving forward there was increased focus on gender equality.  Additionally, there would be a focus on children throughout the coming year, with the desire to address adverse childhood experiences that impacted on living healthy lives.


Members noted that all the points raised within the Annual Report would help to improve the health of the residents of Doncaster.


Further to Dr Suckling’s presentation of his Annual Report, the Chair afforded Members of Council the opportunity to ask any questions with regard to this.


A number of questions ensued with the following points raised, all of which Dr Suckling responded to at the meeting:-


·           Childhood obesity

·           Physical Disabilities and Preventable Disabilities

·           Sickness in the workplace

·           Air Pollution

·           Tobacco misuse and smoking cessation


In response to a number of queries regarding the lack of statistical information contained within the report, although the report was not intended to be a performance report, Dr Suckling commented that in the future, he may give consideration to the provision of an additional report providing statistical information.


RESOLVED that Council note and publish the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report.

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