Agenda item

Presentation on the Police and Crime Plan, Precept and Neighbourhood Policing by the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable


The Chair welcomed to the meeting, the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire, Dr Alan Billings, and the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, Stephen Watson, who were in attendance to provide information on the Police and Crime Plan, Precept and Neighbourhood Policing.


Members had been provided with a copy of this document in order to provide information as to what South Yorkshire Police aimed to achieve  and address, setting out its priorities for a five year period from 2017-2021.


Dr Billings informed Council that in the preparation of the Plan, he had met with individuals and groups from every demographic across the region in order to find out what people wanted and how the Police could work to make South Yorkshire a safer place to live.  It was noted that the over-riding messages were all remarkably similar, regardless of age, gender and ethnicity and the priorities that emerged as a result were as follows:-


  • Protecting vulnerable people
  • Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Treating people fairly


In addition to these priorities, Members were also informed of other issues within the plan including the implementation of a new IT system in place by March 2018, that would look to correct the problems and issues currently felt with the 101 number.  It was hoped this would ensure that 101 calls were dealt with in a timely and efficient way, and would also look to explore other options for reporting non-emergency crime.


Members were informed of the Precept for 2018/19, and it was noted that the Government had given permission for all precepts for a Band D property to be raised by £12 per annum.  As the Government grant had remained at the same level, this rise was necessary in order to meet the costs of growth and inflation in order to keep communities safe.


Finally, Dr Billings spoke about Neighbourhood Policing and reported to Members that there were plans in place to bring this back into force, building up a successful model that had regretfully been eroded.


Following Dr Billings, Chief Constable Stephen Watson addressed Council, providing further information on how the Police would address the priorities and issues raised by the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Chief Constable also took the opportunity to introduce Doncaster’s new Chief Superintendent, Shaun Morley, following the imminent retirement of Chief Superintendent Tim Innes.


Following the presentation, the Chair afforded to all Members of Council the opportunity to ask questions of Dr Alan Billings and Chief Constable Watson in relation to the issues raised and any concerns that they may have in relation to the Police.  Dr Billings and Chief Constable Watson endeavoured to answer all questions at the meeting.


A number of Members in the Chamber took this opportunity to address the Police and Crime Commissioner, and a number of issues were raised including the following:-


  • Anti-Social Behaviour within communities
  • Problems reporting crime and the issues regarding the 101 number
  • The importance of Neighbourhood Policing
  • The lack of Police presence on the streets
  • How Councillors and local residents could help the Police
  • Organised crime in relation to drugs and violence
  • Selective licensing
  • Speeding within Doncaster’s communities


All issues raised were given a thorough response or explanation. Members were also advised to contact their respective local Inspector where they had any further issues or concerns as ongoing communication would support good relationships moving forward.


The Chair concluded the item on the agenda by extending his thanks on behalf of Council to Dr Billings, Chief Constable Watson and other members of South Yorkshire Police who were in attendance, and welcomed Chief Superintendent Morley to Doncaster.


RESOLVED that Council note the contents of the Police and Crime Plan and the accompanying presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police.