Decision details

RE18 0108 - Springwell Centre - Denaby Library Community Lease

Decision Maker: Assistant Director of Trading Services and Assets

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Doncaster Council occupy space in the Springwell Centre, as tenant, on a lease which is due to expire 18/10/2031. Doncaster Community Solutions (FundCo1) Ltd are the Landlord. A community library facility is currently operating under a Well Doncaster project. The Well Doncaster project is however due to finish at the end of June, however ReRead wish to continue providing a community library facility.


To grant a sublease within the Springwell Centre, Denaby to ReRead for the purpose of delivering a community library service.

Alternative options considered:

The recommended action follows an established model for delivering community library services, providing the facility for the community but enabling the Council to reduce staffing costs. This was approved for other libraries within the Borough in a cabinet report dated 11/04/14, and options were considered at length within that report.
ReRead currently occupy the space, and the recommended option formalises their occupation setting out a clear Landlord and tenant relationship.

Publication date: 08/08/2018

Date of decision: 23/07/2018

Accompanying Documents: