Decision details

AHWB.031.2020 BCF Inclusion and Fairness Forum

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The BCF is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government to improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our society, placing them at the centre of their care and support, and providing then with ‘wrap around’, fully integrated health and social care, resulting in an improved experience and better quality of life. This project will facilitate a more centralised focus on tackling the inequalities, disadvantage and racism that exists within the borough. The I&FF will be key to delivering this change, demonstrating the ongoing commitment to refining processes and strengthening collective understanding of community needs, so that they can be reflected in future work and improve the health and wellbeing of our residents across the borough, and will thus contributing to Better Care Fund metrics.


Following the recommendation from Joint Commissioning Operational Group (JCOG), approval is sought from the Joint Commissioning Management Board (JCMB) to agree to provide Voluntary Action Doncaster (VAD) with a total of £100k over a two year period, that will enable increased capacity for the Inclusion and Fairness Forum (I&FF) Leadership team and funding for research, events and insights as well as funding for a support officer role to deliver this activity.

Endorsed by Team Doncaster Gold (TDG) on 22nd October, 2020, this proposal would enable the I&FF to be hosted by VAD; working in synergy and complimenting current roles and activities across VAD and organisations within Team Doncaster, for example Healthwatch and Gypsy Traveller liaison. The I&FF aims to strengthen this increasingly integrated approach, with a focus on harder to reach communities and those who do not traditionally engage.
Funding would be due to commence from 1st April 2021, from the Non Recurrent BCF Earmarked Reserve allocated to the Place Plan.

This is in accordance with recommendations made in a Cabinet Report dated 27th March 2018, which approved the spending plan for the non-recurrent BCF Ear Marked Reserve, as set out in the report: and delegated detailed spending decisions for the implementation of the Doncaster Place Plan £3m, other Integrated Functions £0.7m and unallocated balance £0.7m, to the Director of People in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and relevant Portfolio Holder.

Alternative options considered:

See attached Officer Decision Record for full details

Publication date: 22/06/2021

Date of decision: 05/01/2021

Accompanying Documents: