Decision details

2022/25/PH/Emotionalhealthsupport - Parenting and Family Support Service

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The service provides 1:1 therapeutic counselling to children/ young people aged 7 – 18 years and parents/ carers of children and young people. Trainee Counsellors undertake work placements in partnership with associate Colleges and Universities with many trainee counsellors retained as volunteers on completion of work placements. There are established 2 referral routes across all 12 family hubs, serving every locality area with activity concentrating in
the central area due to demand for our services. Measurable benefits include increased capacity for young people with poor mental health, effective therapeutic sessions for issues such as self-harming resulting in reduced admissions to hospital and CAMHS referrals.


The decision being taken is to due to Doncaster having a significant shortfall of counselling support for children and young people, with waiting lists for NHS services such as child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) being 16 months on average, meaning children and young people are waiting too long to get their needs met and children need access to a more immediate response at the point of any crisis to look to prevent longer term mental health issues and ensure support is available.

This project aims to improve mental health provision by means of employing specially trained counsellors for children and young people under supervision of a clinical advanced practitioner, this allows for any referral into the service to have a more immediate response, ensuring a child or young person’s immediate wellbeing is prioritised as well as their longer term mental health needs.

This decision will be funded from the Better Care Fund earmarked reserve.

Alternative options considered:

see attached ODR for full details

Publication date: 11/08/2022

Date of decision: 01/07/2022

Accompanying Documents: