Decision details

Place24 0958 Doncaster Local Records Centre

Decision Maker: Assistant Director of Development

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


These are set out in the TGB Report but, in short, this decision will ensure that the Doncaster LRC evolves into a modern, fit for purpose, customer focussed service available around the clock as opposed to being a part-time administrative heavy system. In addition to these benefits to direct users, the efficiencies will free up officer time and resource to focus more on the data inputting and management of
records. This includes looking at further datasets and information that the LRC could provide in the future for the benefit of users as well as improving the understanding of the Borough’s biodiversity richness for everyone


In line with the Technology Governance Board (TGB) Decision on 20th July 2023, to agree that the Doncaster Local Records Centre (LRC) is migrated away from Recorder 6 to a new system called Orca. As part of this, the Assistant Director of Economy & Development to sign the contract with the supplier of Orca (COFNOD) on behalf of the Council.

Alternative options considered:

These are set out in the TGB Report but, in short, this decision will ensure that the Doncaster LRC evolves into a modern, fit for purpose, customer focussed service available around the clock as opposed to being a part-time administrative heavy system. In addition to these benefits to direct users, the efficiencies will free up officer time and resource to focus more on the data inputting and management of
records. This includes looking at further datasets and information that the LRC could provide in the future for the benefit of users as well as improving the understanding of the Borough’s biodiversity richness for everyone.

Publication date: 10/04/2024

Date of decision: 26/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: