Decision details

O23241046-Providers fee uplift request

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Partnerships, Early Intervention and Localities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The increase request relates to cost of off framework placements. The current contract for these placements permits inflationary increases subject to a consideration of the actual costs incurred by the Provider and the need for value for money justification.
The provider has demonstrated to the Council justification for such increases citing various reasons which generally relate to unavoidable cost pressures of inflation, National Living Wage
increase, National Insurance increase and pension costs. Should these increases not be agreed there is a risk that the placements will no longer be sustainable and new provision
would need to be sourced.


To agree price increase requests which have been received for individual placements for children and young people.

Alternative options considered:

Do Nothing
There is a risk of places being withdrawn if providers do not cover their costs and are not able to deliver the provision, especially to meet the specific needs of our children and young people.
This would lead to the authority not meeting its statutory duties. New placements would need to be sourced for the children and young people being affected in a difficult and challenging market
with high demand and low availability of placements

Publication date: 11/04/2024

Date of decision: 11/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: