Decision details

O23241047-Creation of Virtual Reality programme to support young people to live independently.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director Childrens Social Care

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This decision has been taken in response to feedback that we received from young people who are being supported to live independently or those who currently live independently after leaving care. Young people told us that they wanted a change to how they receive some of the support and information of learning the skills needed to live independently. Having previously worked with this
company on other projects we are pleased with the products they have delivered.
They are a local company which is particularly important for this project as we would like young people to be involved in the design of this which will require them to attend the offices of the company so being local helps with the logistics of this.
The ground-breaking approach with the project is to revolutionise the engagement method for young people in and leaving care.
Virtual and Mixed reality delivery offers significantly higher rates of engagement, retention, and consistency of approach, it also allows us to hotspot areas of further support our young people need to enable their development.
We are also going to have a young person working group who will advise on the programme and help develop it going forward


Decision to commission Reality Check studios, a Doncaster based company to create a virtual reality programme that will bring elements of the Key’s Project into the virtual reality space. This is based on feedback from young people that was received as part of the quarterly question who wanted a change in approach to how they learn the skills to live independently.
Listening to our young people is important for us as corporate parents and listening to them is part of the promise we made as corporate parents for young people living in care who then go on to live independently. This project is a creative way to support our young people to live independently and by ensuring they are co-creators
of this will mean that it best suits the needs of our young people.
Total Value of this project is 45k+VAT to be invoiced in 2 stages.
This is being funded through the staying close money as we will have a large underspend in the first year and we must declare the underspend the entirety of all funding ends by 31st March 2025. We have spoken to the DFE, and they are happy for us to use the underspent funding to enhance young people’s lives that are in and
leaving care as long as we have young people helping us in the development of this which we will be doing

Alternative options considered:

No options were considered.

Publication date: 11/04/2024

Date of decision: 07/02/2024

Accompanying Documents: