Decision details

AWC.002.2024 Acceptance and spend of the CQC Assessment Grant

Decision Maker: Director of People

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The minister of State for Health and Social Care has issued funding under the CQC Assurance Grant to support Local Authorities in the expenditure incurred by engagement with the new CQC
review and assessment. Each local authority has been issued with a flat one off grant amount totalling £26,730.
There are no conditions on the grant and no restrictions on use, therefore, it is proposed that the funding in Doncaster is used to support additional expenditure incurred linked directly to CQC
assurance, for example:
• Expenditure from the CQC Inspectors visits including room bookings, refreshments etc
• Expenditure from overtime costs for officers to undertake tasks directly linked to the CQC assurance visits
• Expenditure for payments to support people with lived experience to attend events or interviews directly linked to the CQC assurance
The funding will be recorded as income against an expenditure code where spend can be monitored to ensure if future reporting is required the information is readily available.


To approve the receipt and spend of the CQC Assessment Grant totalling £26,730

Alternative options considered:

There will be additional costs incurred as part of the CQC Assessment and therefore no other options have been considered other than to accept the grant to offset relevant areas of spend.

Publication date: 26/04/2024

Date of decision: 14/03/2024

Accompanying Documents: