Decision details

PLACE24 1042 2024/31/PH/ClimateAction - Use of the Environment & Sustainability earmarked reserve to facilitate annual collective climate action event.

Decision Maker: Director of Adults, Health and Well-Being

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Mayor and Full Council declared a Climate & Biodiversity Emergency in September 2019. The Council subsequently published an Environment & Sustainability Strategy and set a target for delivering an 85% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030, and net zero by 2040, against a 2005 baseline.

In 2023, the Sustainability Unit held their first climate action micro-grant scheme, funding 15 community-led initiatives across the borough. These activities reached an average of 35-40
people per event including children and young people, asylum seekers and refugees, families and residents living in low-income households and sought to address some of the key challenges facing our communities through climate action and nature connectedness. Funding was provided by Synetiq; due to the success of this event funding will be matched by the earmarked reserve for 2024.
Conducted in partnership with Well Doncaster, the 2023 fund meant that we increased partnership opportunities with these organisations and enhanced their exposure, thus strengthening our collective action on climate change and our great 8 priorities.
As part of our growing Climate Doncaster partnership, we will deliver round 2 of the Climate Action micro-grant fund, aligning this with Regenerative Neighbourhoods, where groups in priority areas will be eligible for an uplift in funding. The campaign for 2024 will also align with Choose Kindness and responds to the priorities of Doncaster communities, captured during consultation exercises.


To approve the allocation of £10,000 from the Environment & Sustainability earmarked
reserve to fund a climate action micro-grant scheme for communities.

Alternative options considered:

1)Do nothing – we miss out on the opportunity to effectively respond to the priorities expressed by our communities during consultation exercises. Equally we limit opportunities for capacity building not only in terms of climate mitigation actions, but also in building community resilience.

2) Seek financial support from 3rd party organisations – Engagement with 3rd party organisations in 2023 demonstrated that donations towards tree/wildflower planting schemes was much more attractive;
3rd party sponsorship should therefore be prioritised
for these projects to maintain sustainable partner engagement.

3) Run the scheme without a fund – through engagement and development with communities CDC recognises the impact that such small pockets of funding can have on community empowerment, addressing multiple challenges through collaboration and
cohesion. The Great Doncaster LESStival would have much less engagement without this small fund.

Publication date: 29/08/2024

Date of decision: 13/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: