Decision details

AWC.018.2024 Shared Lives Contract Uplift : Uplift for financial year 24/25 to the Shared Lives Contract

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Providers within Adult Social Care have seen significant cost pressures from the increase in National Living Wage and cost of living increases.
Fee uplifts have been completed across Adult Social Care and the Shared Lives Contract is at a level of 6.7% in line with inflation as at September 2023.
Should an uplift not be applied to the Shared Lives contract then there is a likely impact to the delivery of the service and the potential destabilising effect on the provision of services to the individuals supported by the Shared Lives service.
The budget for 24/25 was set allowing for an inflationary uplift of 6.7% and therefore the fee uplift recommended is in line with the budget available.


To provide an annual uplift of 6.7% (Sept 23 CPI) to the Shared Lives Contract for
The budget for 24/25 will now be £625,990 which is an increase of £34,630 on the
previous financial year’s budget.
This will bring this contract in line with the other uplifts that have occurred within
Adult Social Care. The uplift will be effective from 01/04/24.

Alternative options considered:


Publication date: 29/08/2024

Date of decision: 18/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: