Decision details

AWC.019.2024 Scheme of Delegation Budget Approvals v3

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To increase the monetary limit that Team Leaders and Advanced Practitioners would be able to
authorise on Mosaic.
The current agreed limit is £35,000 regardless of whether the care package requires one or two carers to meet a person’s outcomes, which was agreed in 2021, in line with the Mosaic Go Live date. Since this time there have been three fee uplifts to all commissioned services.
In 2021 it was determined that the agreed limit would support the service to gain the right balance around how many support plans required approval above the Team Managers’ level, 2
versus the levels of scrutiny that were required. It was also agreed that this level was proportionate and that if the limit was set any lower then this would result in too many approvals requiring Head of Service authorisation.
Due to the fee uplifts since 2021, the proposed limit of £49,000 for 2024/25 would allow some flexibility over and above a standard residential placement, which at the time would have cost
roughly £41,000. The new proposed limit of £49,000 would maintain this flexibility against the current standard annual residential placement cost of £41,000.


To increase the amount Team Managers and Advance Practitioners can authorise up to within a care and support plan, to agree a person’s Personal Budgets (Level 4 for Localities & Integrated
Discharge Team (IDT). and Level 6 for Community Adult Learning Disabilities Team (CALDT)/
Mental Health).

Alternative options considered:

Option 2.
Do nothing.
Risk Forum requests will increase for standard care packages. By doing nothing it would likely cause an increase in the number of cases that need to be discussed at the Practice Forum and
requiring Head of Service approval. This will add delays to the time taken to provide care and support to a person.
The Regulations state that when recording an Officer Decision any alternative options considered and rejected should also be recorded.

Publication date: 29/08/2024

Date of decision: 12/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: