Decision details

AWC.023.2024 Heritage Fund Award for Miners’ Strike 40th Anniversary

Decision Maker: Executive Director of Place

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The reason for this decision:
? The project will mark an event that is of high importance to Doncaster communities.
? The project will engage a new audience with Doncaster’s mining heritage.
? The project will protect heritage at risk.
? The project will contribute to the delivery of the Doncaster Culture Strategy 2030.
? The investment will test out new activity to showcase Doncaster’s heritage.
? Heritage Doncaster will be more resilient through the development of staff skills and
? The investment will build a stronger relationship with the Heritage Fund, one of the main funders for Heritage activity.
Heritage Fund require an element of partnership funding. The value of this is £29,150 and it is proposed that the Culture Services Core Budget and Shared Prosperity Fund provide this match
to the value or £29,000. £11,000 will come from culture services staffing resource, £18,000 will be from YKSPF2 (investment in new public realm art, Q3771). Friends of Doncaster Museums
will provide a donation of £150.


To accept the £97,250 grant from the Heritage Fund for the ‘Championing Change – A Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Miners’ Strike in Doncaster’ project.
Heritage Doncaster will lead a series of activity to mark the 40th Anniversary of the yearlong miners’ strike. Working in partnership with key community and creative partners we will deliver
an engaging, arts and heritage programme that recognises the realities of the strike alongside celebrating the strength of Doncaster’s mining communities.
We will support new audiences to engage with the heritage of their own community, we will capture the memories of people who lived through the strike, we will tell the stories of our
people, capturing the change that has taken place.

Alternative options considered:

The alternative option was for Doncaster to do nothing and not secure the investment from National Lottery Heritage Fund. This important anniversary would have been marked but with a
lower level of investment

Publication date: 29/08/2024

Date of decision: 21/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: