Decision Maker: Service Director Partnership, Early Intervention and Localities
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This decision is being taken under delegated
authority following the Exec decision taken by the Cabinet Member
for Early Help, Education, Skills and Young People on 4th March
2024 to
undertake a full tender exercise for this provision and to delegate
the award of the contract.
Following the review of the current service the findings concluded
that there was still a need in Doncaster for supported
accommodation and floating support for children, young people, and
families in Doncaster.
Housing and tenancy support need is on the increase due to
real-life cost of living pressures facing many families in
Doncaster right now. Housing support is one of the top three
presenting needs for Your Family Teams and there is an increasing
number of children, young people and families who are presenting as
homeless and being placed in temporary accommodation.
The qualitative and quantitative data, service user engagement and
feedback and a full contract monitoring analysis show the
successful impact these services have had in supporting our
young people, and families to thrive, reach their full potential
and support the delivery of the local borough strategies
To award and finalise the contract for the
Supported Accommodation and Floating Support service for Young
Children, Young People and Families or Parents to YWCA for a
contract value of £420,000 per annum commencing on 01/09/2024
for an initial period of 3 years with 2 x 12-month extensions
available subject to performance and funding following a compliant
tendering procedure.
Do nothing, give notice to the provider and
let the existing contract lapse on 31 st May 2024 and not
re-procure. This is not a viable option as the service review shows
a clear continued need for
the service. Stopping the service will impact upon the council
statutory homelessness duties, the result of which will be in an
increasing the number of children, young people and families
as homeless and being placed in temporary accommodation.
To extend the current contract. The original contract was legally
tendered as a 2-year contract with extension for a further 2 x
12-month periods. All contract extensions have now been
under Councils Contract Procedure Rules and Public Contract
Regulation 2015.
Publication date: 09/10/2024
Date of decision: 03/10/2024
Accompanying Documents: