Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU. View directions
Contact: Christine Rothwell Tel. 01302 735682
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence. |
To consider the extent, if any, to which the public and press are to be excluded from the meeting. Minutes: There were no items where the public and press would be excluded from the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest, if any. Minutes: Councillor Jane Kidd declared that she worked for a voluntary orgnisation. |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meetings held on 5th February and 28th March 2024, be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Public Statements. [A period not exceeding 20 minutes for statements from up to 5 members of the public on matters within the Committee’s remit, proposing action(s) which may be considered or contribute towards the future development of the Committee’s work programme].
Minutes: There we no public statements made. |
2023-24 Quarter 4 Finance and Performance Improvement Report PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Committee gave consideration to a report that provided the 2023-24 Quarter 4 Finance and Performance information, with the following areas highlighted:
· Performance was positive with only a small number of indicators not on track; · In March both the budget for 2024/25 and Corporate Plan had been approved; and · Work was continually being undertaken to reinstate Doncaster Sheffield Airport.
The Committee asked a number of questions relating to the following areas:
Financial pressures – in response to a question the Committee was reminded that Adult Social Care and Childrens Social Care were the largest spend areas but also both volatile due to their nature and ongoing areas of concern. The Committee acknowledged there were a number of saving proposals for 2024/25 with some carried over from the previous year. It was stressed that demand required monitoring.
It was noted that savings delivery had been built into the budget with mitigation factors, if it could not be delivered.
The Dedicated Schools Grant was an area of concern and noted that a Members Seminar had been arranged to discuss the issue separately.
It was explained that the Adult Social Care position was detailed within the report but the Committee was informed of three priority areas, as follows:
· To help increase the number of people staying in their own homes, as long as possible, and it was noted that a lot of progress had been made with this specific target later on in the 2023/24 period, for example supporting people in crisis in communities; · Address the care costs for adults of a working age; and · Increase joint working with the NHS where people have been prescribed carers when leaving hospital. For example moving and handling training and support for people to rely less on regular care support.
With regard to a plan to address the pressures particularly within the longer term budget, it was explained that a balanced budget was approved with the Medium Term Financial Strategy being regularly reviewed.
Underspend detailed on page 141 of the report – It was explained that this money had been set aside and received capital approval in February. The recent approval agreed to set aside money, but a business case, plans and designs were still required before a final decision could be made.
Reliance on out of authority placements – It was reported that, and the Committee was pleased to note, that with regard to childrens services the position had improved slightly and for the first time the performance indicator had moved from red to amber. The challenge that remained was the average cost of out of authority placements was significantly above what had been set in the budget.
The Service Director for Education and skills highlighted that social care and early intervention was being addressed and had started to make a positive difference. Caution was noted that there would always be some instances of a specialist nature where placements away from Doncaster were required, but work was being undertaken across many areas to ensure children ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Minutes: A report was presented to the Committee by the Chief Executive, St Leger Homes of Doncaster and the following areas were focused on:
Average days to re-let standard properties – It was reported that the position continued to be very challenging and the performance improvement compared to the 2022/23 outturn figures, was noted. Members were informed that a refreshed target of 24 days for relets had been agreed and processes established to assist teams with delivering within the Target. The reduction in voids was starting to show but Members acknowledged that if a property required a significant amount of work this would impact performance and relet times.
Winter housing pressures – the Committee was informed that the St Leger Homes winter plan incorporates an “Everybody In” policy in severe weather, to ensure nobody was sleeping outdoors. An effective and established partnership approach was in place to make sure everyone was safe during such periods. It was noted that people who chose to sleep rough generally accepted the offer of a place to stay when it falls beneath 5 degrees but there were individuals that preferred to stay outside.
It was noted that Homelessness services were severely impacted on at times with the uncontrollable amount of people presenting themselves for support. It was also noted that, not necessarily in Doncaster, but nationally homelessness services found people seeking help that would not normally require assistance. It was noted that nationally there were challenges with rent increase, particularly in the London area where people could not sustain the monthly rental payments. With regard to private landlords increasing rent and being unreasonable, St Leger Homes could intervene if required.
With regard to Doncaster City’s Strategic Housing perspective consideration was being given to how existing stock could be utilised and what new build could be provided in future. As was regularly addressed helping people to stay at home longer with social care support and aids and adaptations was acknowledged, but also if people who lived in a home that was too large for them, moving to something smaller would free up two or three bedroomed properties for a family.
Funding for events in communal halls – It was explained that Asset Management covered the running costs and repairs to such community buildings, however, it was noted there was a small budget to support Positive Activity Groups (PAGs) available for community events. A comment provided by a Member was noted, relating to some of the buildings being of an age that required adaptations to be made which in turn could be a barrier to providing community events.
A general discussion relating to the negotiation of contracts with some of the community halls and associated difficulties, was noted.
RESOLVED: that the progress of St Leger Homes of Doncaster performance and the contribution St Leger Homes of Doncaster make to supporting the City of Doncaster’s strategic priorities, be noted.
Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan 2024-25 and Council's Forward Plan of Key Decisions PDF 204 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Senior Governance Officer presented a report providing details of the Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan 2024/25, the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions and the Terms of Reference for the Regional Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
1. The Overview and Scrutiny Work Plan 2024/25, be agreed; 2. The Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions, be noted; and 3. The regional Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference, be noted. |