This page lists the meetings for Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.
Earlier meetings. Later meetings.
To be responsible for co-ordinating and undertaking the Council’s scrutiny and overview function in respect of all areas of Council activity including partnership working and particularly the responsibility to: -
(a) review or scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge of any functions which are the responsibility of the Executive;
(b) make reports or recommendations to the Authority or the Executive with respect to the discharge of any functions which are the responsibility of the Executive;
(c) review or scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge of any functions which are not the responsibility of the Executive;
(d) make reports or recommendations to the Authority or the Executive with respect to the discharge of any functions which are not the responsibility of the Executive;
(e) review and scrutinise relevant public bodies and partners in the Borough, including the Council’s contribution and relationship with them and, where necessary, request them to address overview and scrutiny and local people about their activities and performance or particular decisions, initiatives or projects; and
(f) make reports or recommendations to the Authority or the Executive on matters which affect the Authority’s area or the inhabitants of that area.
2. To carry out functions necessary to operate the call-in procedure set out in the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.
3. To have authority to establish ad hoc Overview and Scrutiny (Panels) and appoint Chairs to look at specific issues determined by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee. Membership of Overview and Scrutiny Panels to be drawn from a pool of all Council Members, excluding the Executive.
4. To be responsible for drafting protocols in respect of the Overview and Scrutiny process.