Browse meetings

Health and Adults Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel

This page lists the meetings for Health and Adults Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


Information about Health and Adults Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel

1.         The Panel will conduct enquiries and investigations, in relation to those functions of the Council (and other matters of local interest), referred to them in the Annual Work Plan and any additional issues referred by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.


2.         The work of the Panel will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution including the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and any Overview and Scrutiny protocols.


3.         The Panel be empowered to establish ad hoc Working Groups from within its membership, to undertake project and policy development work, to meet the objectives and targets of its annual Work Plan.


4.         The Panel may review and scrutinise relevant public bodies and partners in the Borough, including the Council’s contribution and relationship with them and, where necessary, request them to address overview and scrutiny and local people about their activities and performance or particular decisions, initiatives or projects.





This Panel or Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Council constituted under Sections 101 and 102 of the Local Government Act 1972


The generic Terms of Reference for Overview & Scrutiny Standing Panels/OSMC apply to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel/Committee responsible for Health Overview and Scrutiny. 


In addition, because the Council has delegated powers under relevant legislation to the Health Scrutiny Panel, the following Terms of Reference will also apply to this Panel.


1.         To review and scrutinise any matter relating to the planning, provision and operation of health services in the local regions.


2.         To make reports and recommendations to the relevant NHS body or health service provider, the OSMC, the Executive and the Council on any matter reviewed or scrutinised using the specific powers of Health Scrutiny.


3.         To require the attendance of an officer of a relevant NHS body or health service provider to answer questions and provide explanations about the planning, provision and operation of health services in the area and invite interested parties and take account of relevant information provided by the Local Health Watch organisation or contractor when it refers a matter to the authority.


4.         To require a NHS body or service provider to provide information about the planning, commissioning, provision and operation of health services in the Local Authority’s area subject to exemptions outlined in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


5.         To consider matters referred by a Local Health Watch or its contractor.



6.         To require (under the Health and Social Care Act 2012) NHS bodies or relevant health service provider to refer service development proposals which involve substantial change or variation of their service to the Local Authority or if powers are delegated, the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


7.         To recommend to Full Council to report to the Secretary of State for Health:


a)      Where the Overview and Scrutiny is concerned that consultation on substantial variation or development of services has been inadequate in relation to content or time allowed;


b)      Where Overview and Scrutiny is not satisfied with the urgency reasons given by a NHS body or service provider in taking a decision without allowing time for consultation; and


c)      Where Overview and Scrutiny considers that the proposal would not be in the interests of the health services in its area.