This page lists the meetings for Communities and Environment Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
Later meetings.
1. The Panel will conduct enquiries and investigations, in relation to those functions of the Council (and other matters of local interest), referred to them in the Annual Work Plan and any additional issues referred by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.
2. The work of the Panel will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution including the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules and any Overview and Scrutiny protocols.
3. The Panel be empowered to establish ad hoc Working Groups from within its membership, to undertake project and policy development work, to meet the objectives and targets of its annual Work Plan.
4. The Panel may review and scrutinise relevant public bodies and partners in the Borough, including the Council’s contribution and relationship with them and, where necessary, request them to address overview and scrutiny and local people about their activities and performance or particular decisions, initiatives or projects.
In addition to the Terms of Reference detailed above at 1-4, or in addition to the Terms of Reference for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee where this responsibility becomes the responsibility of OSMC,this Panel/Committee will also include the following Terms of Reference:
5. Review or scrutinise decisions made or other action taken in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities who comprise the local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (e.g., the Police, Fire and Rescue Authority and any relevant NHS Body or Health Service Provider).
6. To make reports and recommendations to the responsible authorities with respect to the discharge of those functions.
7. To require the attendance of an officer of the responsible authority.
8. To consider the activities of the CDRP at least once in every 12 month period.
9. To consider any Councillor Calls for Action relating to crime and disorder issues.