Agenda item

To consider the following Motion, written notice of which has been given by Councillor Ian Pearson and Seconded by Councillor John Healy, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.1


“With an increasing ageing population, the need for a joined-up policy on built for life and fit for life across all service provision directly and indirectly provided by Doncaster Council is of significant importance to reduce the needs on both physical and financial resources, on interim care, extended pressures on social budgets, NHS budgets and care homes.  I would like to suggest the following Motion to Council:-


This Council is committed to reducing wherever reasonably practicable, the impact upon its residents on having to move from their long-term living accommodation into hospital/care homes when they are at their most vulnerable and liable to be adversely affected by any change to their lifestyle.  Doncaster Council recognises the creation, in 2010, of the ‘Foundation for Lifetime Homes and Neighbourhoods’.  Doncaster Council along with the Foundation seeks to improve upon the design principles within the built environment and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.


Doncaster Council urges the current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to continue with the consultation commenced by his predecessor, into mandating higher accessibility standards for new homes.


There is also a need to recognise that homes built in the past do not live up to expectations and fail to meet the basic standards of disabled people.  Therefore, the consultation brief needs to be widened to look at the level of funding for adaptations to existing properties.


The Mayor writes to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and the Equalities Commission regarding the need to improve upon the design principles within the built environment and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.”


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.1, a Motion was submitted by Councillor Ian Pearson and Seconded by Councillor John Healy:-


“With an increasing ageing population, the need for a joined-up policy on built for life and fit for life across all service provision directly and indirectly provided by Doncaster Council, is of significant importance to reduce the needs on both physical and financial resources on interim care, extended pressures on social budgets, NHS budgets and care homes.  I would like to suggest the following Motion to Council:-


This Council is committed to reducing wherever reasonably practicable, the impact upon its residents on having to move from their long-term living accommodation into hospital/care homes when they are at their most vulnerable, and liable to be adversely affected by any change to their lifestyle.  Doncaster Council recognises the creation, in 2010, of the ‘Foundation for Lifetime Homes and Neighbourhoods’.  Doncaster Council along with the Foundation, seeks to improve upon the design principles within the built environment and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.


Doncaster Council urges the current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to continue with the consultation commenced by his predecessor, into mandating higher accessibility standards for new homes.


There is also a need to recognise that homes built in the past do not live up to expectations and fail to meet the basic standards of disabled people.  Therefore, the consultation brief needs to be widened to look at the level of funding for adaptations to existing properties.


The Mayor writes to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and the Equalities Commission, regarding the need to improve upon the design principles within the built environment, and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.”


The Chair afforded all the Members in the Chamber the opportunity to speak on the Motion.


A vote was taken on the Motion which was declared as follows:-


For   44


Against – 0


Abstain – 0


On being put to the Meeting, the Motion was declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that this Council is committed to reducing wherever reasonably practicable, the impact upon its residents on having to move from their long-term living accommodation into hospital/care homes when they are at their most vulnerable, and liable to be adversely affected by any change to their lifestyle.  Doncaster Council recognises the creation, in 2010, of the ‘Foundation for Lifetime Homes and Neighbourhoods’.  Doncaster Council along with the Foundation, seeks to improve upon the design principles within the built environment and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.


Doncaster Council urges the current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, to continue with the consultation commenced by his predecessor, into mandating higher accessibility standards for new homes.


There is also a need to recognise that homes built in the past do not live up to expectations and fail to meet the basic standards of disabled people.  Therefore, the consultation brief needs to be widened to look at the level of funding for adaptations to existing properties.


The Mayor writes to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and the Equalities Commission, regarding the need to improve upon the design principles within the built environment, and to promote the Lifetime Homes Standard.