Agenda item

Update from RE Today


Lat Blaylock, Consultant for RE Today, tabled a document and provided an overview of the following key national items of interest:-


  • NATRE Secondary Survey 2019: Results Presented to the DfE

It was highlighted that the key findings of NATRE’s survey carried out this year, had found that 50% of Academy pupils were not receiving the Religious Education they were entitled to at Key Stage4.


  • Ofsted: New Interest in RE

The new Framework had highlighted that all pupils in maintained schools, must receive their entitlement to RE, age-appropriate relationships and sex education, in line with national curriculum requirements.


  • Strictly RE Conference: 25th January in London

SACRE was invited to send a primary, secondary and a special school teacher representatives to the national RE Conference, and NATRE would pay for their attendance. Those attending would be asked to provide feedback to SACRE.


  • New BBC Bite size Programming and Online Resources for 11-14s

The BBC had produced a new suite of materials for KS2.  Programs were now available for (4-7), (7-11), (11-14) and (14-16) year olds, which covered Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Budhist and Seik traditions and communities.  It was also reported that a similar suite of materials had been produced for KS3, and was expected to be broadcast in April, 2020.


  • NATRE Meetings with the DFE and Parliamentarians

NATRE and the RE Council had attended the Conservative Party Conference this year, to promote their work.


  • NASACRE hears from DfE about school compliance on RE

Highlights focussed on the requirements for schools to teach RE, including what was expected of Academies.


  • Better RE in 1000 Primary Schools: Can SACRE nominate schools for this RE Improvement Project

It was noted that 3 Doncaster Schools had signed up to this project earlier today. SACRE was asked whether they would be willing for NATRE to promote the Project to all Doncaster Primary Schools that were eligible. Its focus was to improve RE across the whole school.  It was noted that the cost for each person attending would be £55 for the 2-year project.


Lat Blaylock also provided feedback following the secondary and primary training that had taken place earlier today, which focused on the Ofsted Inspection Framework.  Lat Blaylock felt that the training had been well received and reported that the evaluation forms would be shared with Members.


Following the verbal update, SACRE thanked Lat Blaylock for his work and efforts in encouraging new members to join SACRE.


During discussion SACRE requested that the Council give consideration to funding 20 primary schools to attend the ‘Better RE in 1000 Primary Schools’ Project at a cost of £1,100.  Sameena Choudry would raise this request with Paul Ruane, Head of Learning Provision.


Further to a request from Reverend McCready, Lat Blaylock agreed to send a digital copy of the Locally Agreed Syllabus to Father Parkinson.


In relation to the February 2020 training event, Sameena Choudry reported that the evaluation feedback received from teachers at the last event, would be reviewed and where possible, addressed in future training.


In terms of raising awareness of the training in February, it was observed that many schools did not use the ‘My Doncaster’ account and suggested that an invite should be sent out to schools via email, and raised atGovernors and Primary and Secondary head teacher meetings.


It was also suggested that it would be useful to compile a list of those schools that had already confirmed attendance at the training and those schools that had attended training in the past. Sameena Choudry agreed to provide a list, but for Data Protection purposes, would not provide email addresses of those individuals.


Arising from further discussion, Richard Iball proposed that members give consideration to sending representatives to the ‘Strictly RE Conference’. Lat Blaylock confirmed the cost would be £175 per person. However, NATRE could offer 3 places at a cost of £285 (£95 per person). Sameena Choudry agreed to raise this request with Paul Ruane, Head of Learning. If approved, arrangements would be put in place to select representatives to attend.




(1)          the verbal update on RE Today, be received and noted;


(2)          Sameena Chourdry to liaise with Paul Ruane, Head of Learning Provision, to determine iffunding was available to offer the ‘Better RE in a 1000 Primary Schools Project’ course to schools; and


(3)          Sameena Choudry to speak with Paul Ruane, regarding whether funding was available to send representatives to the ‘Strictly RE Conference’and if approved, decide which teachers to invite via a selection process.