Agenda item

To receive any announcements from the Chair of Council, the Mayor,
Members of the Cabinet or the Head of Paid Service


The Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, made the following announcements:-


“I would first like to provide an update on the flooding situation.


Members are aware that we proactively declared a major incident for potential flooding.  We have seen a significant amount of rainfall and flood alerts are still in place.  It is an ongoing situation which we are monitoring closely.  Services have worked 24/7 to support local people and I would like to thank staff, communities and partners for their tremendous effort to put the robust plans in place, and for being there for our residents and businesses.  


Over the past year, Doncaster’s resilience has been tested to breaking point. 

Whilst residents and businesses were recovering from the devastating impact of the 2019 floods, the Covid-19 pandemic created an unprecedented health and economic crisis.  We have persevered and delivered for our communities as part of an incredible Team Doncaster effort to save lives, provide care and stop the virus spreading.


We have worked with partners to get financial support out to those whose businesses and livelihoods have been affected, whilst continuing to deliver housing, major projects and essential services for the people of Doncaster.  The response to the pandemic continues at pace, and we are supporting NHS colleagues to vaccinate priority groups, and to test for the virus.


We are continuing, where possible, to provide Council services and protect our most vulnerable residents, while working in a safe environment.  We need to continue to be innovative and agile in our response.


Responding to and recovering from the pandemic, will be our priority in 2021.  We have great cause for optimism with the roll out of vaccinations, but we are at a critical stage with the pandemic, and hospital admissions are still rising.


We have responded throughout the crisis to help people, communities, businesses and organisations, to get through the Covid emergency.  For example, we have:-


   Supported 1,000s of residents struggling to pay their Council Tax;


   Made quicker payments to small businesses;


   Boosted funding for voluntary groups to help residents;


   Increased Ward budgets;


   Opened a Community Hub as a one-stop shop for advice and support, and provided 1,000s of food parcels;


   Opened up Town Centres and got services back up and running when we could over the summer;


   Developed a jobs and skills programme with partners; and


   Secured £7m from the Government for capital projects.


I will shortly be announcing a further plan for the next 3 months.  The ‘Spring Sprint Plan’ will respond to the additional, acute impact of the pandemic on people and businesses.  It will build on the support already in place and include actions to:-


   Ramp up the support for the most vulnerable residents in our communities; and


   Support businesses and help residents get back to work.


At the same time, a clearer sense of hope for the future will come into view.  Council approved a Motion to declare on the climate change and biodiversity crisis.  


We now have the final report of the Doncaster Climate and Biodiversity Commission, and this has informed the Environment & Sustainability Strategy which the Council will consider today, which will be the basis of our emerging Borough Strategy.


Both major milestones in our drive to tackle this profound and pressing challenge, and this year, we will step up Doncaster’s response to it.  For the first time, we can tackle head on the need to balance the wellbeing of people with the wellbeing of the planet.  We cannot have one without the other. 


As well as a greener Borough, we need to consider how to develop a more resilient, prosperous and inclusive place.


The pandemic has worsened inequalities in society, for example for vulnerable people with underlying health conditions.  All our efforts need to be underpinned by a relentless approach to equalities.


The floods and pandemic have highlighted the best of Doncaster.  We have seen community spirit and compassion in abundance.


I am determined that this is a lasting legacy and supports one central mission; Thriving People, Places and Planet.”


The Chief Executive, Damian Allen, made the following announcement:-


“With the pandemic and flood alerts, we are in response mode on many fronts.


The Director of Public Health’s Annual Report is part of today’s agenda and I am sure it will provide a powerful insight into the magnitude of Covid’s impact and the local response to it.


The multi-agency response to the flood alerts is ongoing.  Despite these major challenges, we have continued to deliver new homes and major projects, supporting jobs, leisure, culture and learning.  The Danum Gallery, Library and Museum, a new cinema and restaurants, and a University Technical College, are all due to open in 2021.  The new Railway Station forecourt creates an impressive gateway into the Town.


Urban centre master planning is inspiring bold new ideas for prime sites like the Waterfront and the Junction 5 link to Stainforth and Unity has been completed.


We have ensured our key services have continued to be delivered, but as the Mayor has stated, we need to also look ahead.  Our ambitions for the Borough and how we deliver them, must respond to a number of seismic challenges.  Pandemics and flooding are currently at the forefront of our mind, both of which can be connected to the climate change and biodiversity crisis; a planetary emergency. 


The Mayor has made it clear that the path to net zero by 2040 is now central to our policy ambitions.  The next decade is crucial to achieve an 85% reduction in emissions.  We have major opportunities to achieve significant Borough-wide change by building on the successes of the Doncaster Growing Together Plan, and the improved partnership working which has been so crucial to the effectiveness of Team Doncaster’s response to the pandemic. 


We have the opportunity to:-


   Develop a more regenerative Borough that renews and improves its assets and strengths, and as part of this, develop a circular economy that keeps finite resources in a loop of use and reuse; and


   Create new green jobs and businesses.


New technologies, inequalities and ageing populations also demand new ideas, new approaches and the ability to seize new opportunities.  It has never been more clear that Doncaster is a ‘place of places’ in an interconnected world.


A new Borough Strategy to replace the DGT Plan will provide the opportunity to develop new wellbeing goals for the Borough to balance the wellbeing of people with the wellbeing of the planet, as the Mayor has emphasised.


The Council’s Corporate Plan will be considered by Council on the 1st March, 2021 which will start the transition to a new Borough Strategy.


It is essential that on the ground, delivery is policy led and evidence based.  The Housing Strategy which has just been agreed, provides a clear focus for ensuring residents have access to good housing as the basis for their health and wellbeing.


A new Education and Skills Strategy will bring together priorities for lifelong learning and developing tailored, flexible pathways to employment.


We will also be developing a new Culture Strategy and undertaking a Tree Policy review, which are all part of the rich and diverse policy landscape which needs to guide day-to-day delivery.


The Corporate Plan will be presented alongside the budget.


Throughout the pandemic, we have incurred additional costs and lost income.  The Government continues to provide short-term funding and the future financial position remains uncertain.  Despite this, a three year balanced budget will be presented to Council in March, which will set out how we will maintain investment in the Borough’s priorities and continue to protect vulnerable residents.


We must continue to sharpen our focus on communities which means responding to the distinctive needs, aspirations and character of our communities as reflected in the ‘Doncaster Talks’ feedback.  We need to work closer with communities and build on local assets and strengths.


Our ongoing response to the pandemic and the risk of flooding are acute reminders of why this matters.


I would like to thank staff, partners and residents, for their response and resilience in the face of this latest Borough challenge.”