Agenda item

Environment and Sustainability Strategy


The Council considered a report, which was presented by Councillor Chris McGuinness, Cabinet Member for Communities, Voluntary Sector and the Environment, which sought approval of the Council’s Environment and Sustainability Strategy, which had been developed in response to the climate change and biodiversity emergency declaration made by Full Council in 2019.


In presenting this item, Councillor McGuinness emphasised the importance of the Strategy and pointed out that the climate and biodiversity crisis could not be tackled by any single organisation, group or sector alone, so the partners in ‘Team Doncaster’ recognised that a partnership approach was essential.


It was reported that the Strategy had been developed by multiple organisations and was based on the latest data and local resident opinion, which had been derived directly from numerous ‘Doncaster Talks’ exercises, and indirectly via elected representative workshops involving Ward Members, Parish Councils and MPs.  Consultation had taken place alongside the work of the Climate and Biodiversity Commission, which had been established following Full Council's Climate Change Emergency declaration.  The report and recommendations emanating from the consultation had been published just before Christmas.


Councillor McGuinness highlighted that at the heart of the Strategy, was an ambition to reduce Doncaster's contribution to climate change, protect and improve biodiversity in Doncaster, and become carbon neutral by 2040. He explained that this was consistent with the recommendations of the Climate and Biodiversity Commission and sat alongside a number of key objectives and actions under each topic within the Strategy, which were set out in detail in the report.


Councillor McGuinness also outlined that the Strategy also recognised the inter dependencies between these topics, as well as the links with other strategies such as health and wellbeing, economic growth, and the forthcoming Borough Strategy.  He pointed out that the response to these priorities did not start in 2021, as multiple partners had been working to reduce carbon emissions and help protect and enhance biodiversity for a number of years, and whilst some progress had been made, there was a significant way yet to go. 


Councillor McGuinness stated that whether that would be further investment in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, continued improvement of housing and building energy efficiency, increased tree planting, or renewable energy, all partners needed to work collectively to ensure these interventions and impacts were achievable across all sectors, and all localities, so that the sustainability and wellbeing goals identified were realised by everyone.


It was noted that there were numerous supporting strategies and plans that sat beneath the partnership Strategy, and which provided detail on specific activities in specific areas, such as active travel plans, or a public and private sector tree planting. Councillor McGuinness pointed out that some of these supporting strategies were already in existence, but there were others that needed to be developed further, all of which were identified in the section within the Strategy as associated strategies and plans.


In conclusion, Councillor McGuinness emphasised that given the level of partner, resident and member engagement, it was no surprise that the Strategy had been endorsed by the Community and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel, and the Team Doncaster Partnership Board.


Following the presentation of the report, Members were afforded the opportunity to comment on the Strategy.


RESOLVED that the Environment and Sustainability Strategy, be approved.

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