Agenda item

Education And Skills 2030 Framework For Consultation Update


The Panel received an update on the final set of priorities and aims, of the Education and Skills 2030 Strategy as it progresses with its final development phase.


Members were reminded that the results of an independent review and extensive consultation of education and skills in Doncaster had previously been presented to the Panel in August 2019.  It had also been recommended that an update be provided in respect of the strategy development.


The presentation to the Panel focused on:


·       ‘You said, we did’ – how the Panel’s feedback from the previous meeting had influenced the strategy.

·       The steps taken since the last meeting.

·       The Strategic Statement of Intent.

·       Developing the Statement of Intent into a full Strategy.

·       Timeline for ongoing development and next steps.


Members were reminded that an independent review of the education system had taken place and would provide a focus on what was needed going forward 10 years.  It was acknowledged that all age learning would look very different in time and the intention was to strengthen Doncaster’s vocational based learning offer (i.e. in addition to traditional academic routes).


Partnership Working – It was explained that partners included the Doncaster College, National College for High Speed Rail, Sheffield Hallam University and University of Sheffield as well as Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.  Members were informed that efforts were being made to establish a unique offer in Doncaster that would enable individuals to access and undertake training.  It was explained that steps were also being taken to develop the creative and digital growth areas with Doncaster already benefiting from a number of courses and resources available in the Borough in addition to those at the University of Sheffield.


Green Technology – It was recognised that there was a desire for the growth of this area with little in place at present, possibly through some form of campus potentially around the waterfront.


Relocation of Doncaster Royal Infirmary – There was a brief discussion regarding the potential relocation of the Doncaster Royal Infirmary.  It was recognised that a training and research facility would be key and that there would be benefits to relocating to certain locations.


Pathways into Employment – Members were advised that there were   four Centres of Excellence that included engineering, health and medical care, creative and digital industries and finally, green technology.  It was explained that there was a need to have the industry in place in order to accommodate more vocational learning.  Members were assured that work had taken place alongside the Inclusive Growth Strategy to change Doncaster’s industry mix to complement one another.  Reference was also made to the social mobility scheme and inclusion programme going forward in the Borough.


It was explained that it was about enabling people to have the right skills and knowledge of career and employment options although presently, that line of sight was not in place.


Timeline - A Member raised concern that 10 years was a considerable amount of time to wait for things to change.  It was also felt that that the strategy should provide something for everyone.  Members were informed that there would be an action plan in place and workshops to be held but that is not where it finishes. Members were reassured that certain actions would be taken forward sooner and other changes being developed after 5 years to provide long term gains. 


Schools - A Member raised their concern that there was an unequal demand for school places with some proving extremely popular.  An example of this was made of Doncaster XP, which was believed to be a school that demonstrated best practice and leading the way (and as a result was oversubscribed). A Member questioned whether more schools like Doncaster XP could be developed.


Members were informed that all the building blocks were beginning to come together and work towards that point.  It was advised that outcomes needed to be achieved for children and young people in order to make a difference. It was commented that interesting discussions had taken place with Headteachers and it could be seen that they were starting to think in a different way.  It was commented that the small steps being taken and real progress was being made.


Members were reminded that the strategy was the result of a culmination of the last few years to get the system back together.  It was recognised that Doncaster XP offered a more personalised learning approach with positive outcomes.


In respect of Ofsted, it was noted that they would focus more and more on outcomes. It was acknowledged that a number of schools had not received an inspection for some time.


There was a brief discussion around Family Hubs and a Member raised concern that certain social pressures would discourage some families from attending.  The Director of Learning, Opportunities and Skills stated that comments raised would be fed back and felt that it was about achieving a balance rather than creating barriers.


RESOLVED to note the report and receive an update prior to the decision going to Cabinet on the 21st May 2020 as part of the CYP O&S Panel Workplan 2020/2021.


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