Agenda item

Doncaster Youth Council Update


The Panel received a report that provided them the opportunity to consider information presented by members of the Doncaster Youth Council. The presentation provided at the meeting gave an update on the work of the Youth Council and the current Knife Crime campaign, as well as progress and contributions to the Children and Young People’s Plan Impact report made by children and young people.


The presentation covered the following themes;


·         Be Safe

·         Be Happy and Healthy

·         To Achieve

·         Equality

·         Child Friendly Ambition


Reference was made to some of the outcomes achieved as a result of the campaigns that included;


·         With Me In Mind – a Doncaster Mental Health Film made by Young People Film (located at The McAuley Catholic High School).

·         Creation of a With Me in Mind “Super Sam Book” that had received positive feedback.

·         Interest by other local authorities in the Youth Council’s work.

·         A high number of students (in the region of 1,000) attended the launch event at The McAuley Catholic High School.

·         Key Stage 4 – data had indicated that the gap with national average had been halved in the last 3 years (source DfE).


Members commented on the good work that had been undertaken and showed a high level of creativity and engagement.


It was explained that although the annual Youth Consultation, ‘Make Your Mark’ had experienced a national decline in voting levels, that Doncaster itself had seen an increase.


Members were informed that in terms of engagement, these campaigns had received positive feedback from peers.


Members were advised that the video ‘With Me In Mind’ would be taken to all schools by the end of the month. Members of the Youth Council present stated that they would be happy to provide feedback to the Panel.


In terms of support to those students viewing the film (who may be vulnerable themselves), it was explained that the availability of Mental Health Counsellors and Pastors were highlighted should they need to be accessed.


Knife Crime - it was explained by members of the Youth Council that although this was presented as a major issue across the UK, information demonstrated that it was a relatively low issue in Doncaster.  Members were told that the video as part of the “Put An End To Knife Crime” campaign, helped provide assurances to the young people of Doncaster.


In terms of reaching those young people outside of the education system, it was explained that the Youth Council had recognised how popular social media was amongst young people.  It was therefore determined that online campaign work was key in engaging with those who were not in school nor school education.


Future Campaigns - Members were informed that future campaigns included ‘Protecting the Environment’.  It was outlined that events would be held to engage with wider communities within South Yorkshire as part of that campaign.


The second campaign would focus on ‘Hate Crime’ and it was explained that further discussions would take place as it progressed during the year.


Role of Overview and Scrutiny - In terms of the role of overview and scrutiny, it was explained that support could be provided through further promotion of Youth Council events.  This would help to increase interest and participation as well as reaching as many as possible through social media.  It was also stated that members of the Youth Council would be happy to attend partner events to speak about their work.


In terms of change, it was noted that it was about working in a line with the views being presented to help shape future policies.  It was acknowledged by Members of the Youth Council that it was important to ensure this communication continued.


It was recognised that what the Youth Council was setting out to achieve was working well, and that there was a golden thread in place through everything that is done.


Members were informed that there was an upcoming Civic Mayor Awards that would provide an opportunity for young people in Doncaster to celebrate their achievements. These awards are not based on academia.


Members of the Youth Council were congratulated in providing an excellent presentation and on the positive work that they have undertaken.


RESOLVED that the Panel;


·         Note the information presented which included information on “Put an end to knife crime” campaign.

·         Recognise the progress, contributions and impact on the Children and Young People’s Plan made by children and young people.

·         Endorse and sign up to the Child Friendly Ambition as outlined in the presentations).

·         That an update be provided by the Youth Council as part of the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel 20/21 Workplan. To include progress on ‘Make Your Mark’ updates on campaigns and future plans.

Supporting documents: