Agenda item

Application to determine a Temporary Event Notice for Stubbs Hall, Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster DN6 7EZ


The Committee received a report which asked members to consider an objection notice to a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) in respect of Stubbs Hall, Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster DN6 7EZ, following a representation by South Yorkshire Police. Details of the application/notice of the TEN were attached at Appendix D to the report


The grounds of objection from South Yorkshire Police were based on the potential Impact on the promotion of the licensing objective, Crime and Disorder and Public Safety. A copy of the objection notice and supporting documentation, were attached at Appendices E and G of the report, respectively. Further supporting documents from the applicant were also attached at Appendix F of the report


The Sub-Committee Members, the Applicant, the persons making representations and the Responsible Authorities, had received the agenda prior to the meeting.


At the commencement of the hearing, the Chair made introductions and outlined the procedure to be followed.


Representatives from South Yorkshire Police were in attendance and answered questions and made representations.


All parties were then asked to leave the room whilst the Sub-Committee deliberated on the application and reached a decision.


RESOLVED that the Licensing Sub-Committee, having considered an objection notice to a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) in respect of the Stubbs Hall, Wakefield Road, Hampole, Doncaster DN6 7EZ, and have taken into account the written representations made and the evidence presented at the meeting, the steps that are appropriate to promote the Licensing Objectives, the Home Office Guidance and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy have decided to issue the Premises User a Counter Notice.


The Sub-Committee made its decision for the following reasons:-


The Application for the TEN is for a licence to sell alcohol and music by DJ at an event that appears to be for a bare knuckle fighting event. The Committee noted that the Applicant did not attend and that this meant the Committee was unable to ask any questions about the event.


The Police confirm they are objecting to the licence of both music and alcohol as the event that is taking place is essentially a bare knuckle fighting event. The Police submit the application is not to licence the ‘fighting’ element and therefore the Committee does not need to make any determination about this. The Committee agrees. The Police say they suspect the fighting event will be a series of assaults and whilst they agree this area of law is a grey area in essence those sports where harm is involved are allowable due to the level of regulation and marshalling. There is no information about how the event will be regulated other than medical checks for the participants. The Committee had been unable to confirm the level of regulation as the Applicant was not present.


The Police assert there is no information about how the public’s safety will be promoted. This includes how the event will be staged. The Police submitted that in the promotional material on-line for previous events spectators appear to be sat on hay bales in proximity to the fighting and that there are children present. The Police say it is wholly unacceptable for children to be present. The Police submit that the Committee cannot be satisfied that there is an appropriate risk assessment for this event. The Committee agrees. The Police submits that allowing alcohol and music at this event will undermine the licensing objectives and the Committee agrees.


Supporting documents: