Agenda item

Performance Challenge of Doncaster Children’s Services Trust: Quarter 4, 2019/20


The Committee gave consideration to the report by addressing the following issues:


Early Intervention – Members recognised that partnership working had shown its strength during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Early Help  Strategy Group had met very quickly, changing its Terms of Reference and Manual to assist partners engage in early help activity during the Covid-19 pandemic period. 


It was noted, within the quarterly performance reporting period, the majority of early help case work had been undertaken by schools or early help staff.  However in Quarter 1 provision, the change in response had been implemented very quickly.  It was stressed that even though schools had closed they continued with their lead practitioner roles, with Health colleagues undertaking different roles to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, therefore some progress had unfortunately been delayed.


Members were informed that the pandemic period had provided partners with the opportunity to address the local offer, strengthening and increasing partner engagement in response to early help.  It was also noted that the pilot sites had evidenced and identified that families were being supported in their local area rather than requiring a referral into social care.


The Committee was reminded that in February, the Doncaster “With Me in Mind” campaign had been launched addressing how mental health care was provided in schools and local communities.  This provision has continued throughout the pandemic period. 


Referrals – It was reported that these had reduced compared to the previous year.


During the covid-19 pandemic referral comparisons to the previous year had been undertaken but Members noted, as services have been reinstated, more children were attending school enabling them to have contact with more professionals, resulting in an increase in referrals.  There was an unexpected and worrying drop in referrals during the Covid-19 pandemic period, particularly, for example when domestic abuse cases had increased.  It was highlighted that staff continued to work within the community, within Government guidelines, ensuring they could meet with children where it was safe to do so.


Care Leavers – Local Authority’s had a responsibility to ensure young people received support services up to their 25th birthday.  It was stressed that if a young person did not request regular contact the Children’s Trust would continue to communicate with them, but on a less regular basis.  It was noted that some care leavers also chose not to engage with the service but staff would use every support mechanism available to ensure they were safe.


It was reported that there had been increased contact with care leavers during the Covid-19 pandemic to offer assistance with a number of issues but in particular, food provision. 


Pathway Plans – It was confirmed that there were 7 plans that had not been completed however, it was noted that generally this was a processing error, for example, once work was completed, systems had not been updated with manager approval.  The computerised system ensures each child or young person is regularly checked and required processes followed.


Tickhill Square – Members were reminded that this provision had been closed.  The children had relocated to alternative accommodation and were thriving in their new homes.


Cash Flow – In relation to the positive cash balance it was explained this was the result of a number of elements including the recognition of  funding provided by the Local Authority.


It was noted that the Council continued to invest heavily in the Trust, for example, providing funding for the future Placements Strategy.  It was also noted that as part of the Contract with Local Authority money was front loaded into the Trust.  Members were reminded that as from the 1st April, 2019 the Trust was an ALMO and therefore part of the Local Authority’s medium term financial strategy.


It was stressed that the number of children in care had reduced requiring less resources, plus additional savings had also been achieved. 


Members recognised that when children were removed from care, hopefully returning to parents, there was a massive cost reduction to the Trust.


Available care placements - It was reported that the number of places available had reduced by 5, therefore additional care placements had to be provided out of authority.  This cost had therefore increased. It was hoped in January 2021 the two new two bedroomed homes would be opened.


To conclude it was reported that there were some cost pressures facing the organisation but they would be reported as part of the Q1 finance and performance report.


RESOLVED that:progress and performance outcomes for Doncaster Childrens Services Trust, be noted.


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