Agenda item

St Leger Homes of Doncaster Ltd (SLHD) Performance & Delivery Update: 2019/20 Quarter Four (Q4) and year end outturn


The Chair of the Committee welcomed the Chief Executive of St Leger Homes of Doncaster to the meeting and commended the organisation for the hard work undertaken when collect rents during the covid-19 period.


In response to questions raised the following areas were discussed:


Performance Improvement – It was explained that where performance had improved it was a result of a key improvement plan for individual service areas linked to the correct level of resources being provided. 


A number of areas had received a specific focus in the last couple of years, including voids, rent arrears and reduction in the use of bed and breakfast accommodation with performance being regularly monitored.


Bed and Breakfast accommodation – It was recognised that the use of this type of accommodation had increased significantly to ensure all rough sleepers had been provided a safe place to live during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Committee was informed that advice provided by the Government Minister on when the Local Authority should return to providing a statutory service, was that this decision was to be taken at a local level.


Void properties - The Committee noted that with the exception of supporting people who had suffered with homelessness and domestic violence, letting properties ceased between 24th March and 8th June.  Following this date working practices changed to ensure staff were working in safe environments, for example, only one or two staff could work in a property at the same time, therefore taking longer for properties to be completed for occupancy.


Rent Arrears – Following the Mayoral announcement relating to a rent holiday for people who were not able to make payments, it was noted that a number of tenants had cancelled their direct debits.  In response, everyone who had cancelled their payments were contacted with the offer of assistance and guidance.  It was made clear to tenants that if their circumstances had not changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic then the rent holiday would not apply.  All tenancies were assessed and, if it was felt people were at risk, then a tenancy sustainment officer would be appointed to provide support.  The position was continually being monitored.


It was stressed that Doncaster was performing well in this area due to the proactive work being undertaken by the organisation.


Gas maintenance on Local Authority properties – The Committee was informed that gas servicing had been reinstated.  It was noted that there had been 120 refusals service refusals from tenants but it was recognised that some tenants were shielding. 


In response to concerns expressed, it was acknowledged that older people could become confused if different support services were wearing different PPE, for example, a community nurse would wear more PPE than a gas engineer.  It was explained that St Leger Homes had undertaken, in line with public health requirements, full risk assessments for staff who visit and enter tenants’ homes and had been issued with the appropriate PPE and guidance for the task they were undertaking.


RESOLVED that the progress and performance outcomes to support the Local Authority’s strategic priorities by St Leger Homes of Doncaster, be noted.


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