Agenda item

Place Digital Strategy - Digital Inclusion


The Board received a presentation from Katie Dowson, Director of Digital for Doncaster CCG and Doncaster Place outlining the work been undertaken on digital inclusion across Doncaster as part of the delivery of the Place Digital Strategy.


It was reported, that as the digital strategy is implemented, it is important that all Doncaster people benefit from having faster and simplified access to our services as well as key information about their health and wellbeing.


It was important to recognise that digital transformation without a plan for digital inclusion will very likely increase inequality:

  • Directly by putting additional barriers to equal access to our health & care services and information;


  • Indirectly through social and wider determinants of health where individuals might not have access to technologies or have the skills or confidence to use digital methods.

By having a plan for digital inclusion, it will minimise this risk and continue to strive to promote equality through the health and care services offered to Doncaster people.


Its’ also recognised that having a diverse population who may not have access or have intermittent access to technologies or they might lack the skills, confidence or motivation to utilise the digital services we offer. The service wants to address this to enable Doncaster people to get access to the right service, support and information they need. 


It was, reported that immediate plans to get a better understanding of the cohorts where focus is needed to support and encourage new programmes to think about their inclusivity will help to ensure avoidance of widening the gap in inequality. The service will also be working with partners across SY&B ICS to explore digital exclusion, drivers and barriers for change and, how to move forward with inclusive digital transformation schemes on a wider scale.


Following the presentation, the Board welcomed the presentation and we appreciative of the work carried out to date and a number of comments were, made including:-


Cath Witherington, Voluntary Action Doncaster wished to be involved with the project stating that the Group had a lot of background in working with Community Centres which could be a value and was happy to discuss outside of the meeting.


Mr Glyn Butcher thanked Katie for the presentation, which will help so many residents in the community at reducing isolation.


Phil Holmes, Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing reported that the work carried out within the Care Homes with the introduction of Ipads had been invaluable and showed small investments make a bigger impact.


It was stated that the pandemic had had a huge impact on Adult Mental Health, particularly mentioning the close of libraries having a big impact and the fear that some people have that services will all become digital. The use of the telephone was also highlighted as sometimes this is the only way of communication that is available for some people. The Board recognised that there needed to be a blended approach to digital inclusion as not one size fits all.


Examples were, shared with the Board of existing groups/organisations that offered guidance on how to use emails and to access zoom and MS teams. Work had also, been carried out with the Citizens Advice Bureau on the creation Community Pods, which are designed to be portable to enable them to move round the borough providing access to laptops for those residents who don’t have access to one at home.


Further comments were raise with regard to the use of telephones and Face Book. It was also brought to the Boards attention that there may be some laptops within the borough Community Centres that are closed due to the pandemic which could be recycled into the community for their use.


Cath Witherington, Voluntary Action Doncaster advised the Board that they had recently refurbished two laptops which were now available for the public. She also stated that the group would be happy to become more involved in the project.


Following the comments, the Chair acknowledged the Boards views and stated that there needed to be a blended approach towards digital inclusion. She stated that connections with the lead officers and organisations would be made outside of the meeting with a view to a further update in due course.


            RESOLVED that


(1)       the immediate plans for digital inclusion across             Doncaster, as part of the delivery of the Place Digital Strategy be noted;


(2)       representatives on the Board make contact with the Katie Dowson, Director of Digital for Doncaster CCG and Doncaster Place to have further discussions          on their involvement; and


(3)       a further update be presented to the Board in the next 6-12 months


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