Agenda item

Capital Strategy and Capital Budget 2021/22 to 2024/25


Prior to Council’s consideration of the report, the Chair of Council, Councillor Paul Wray, reminded Members of the legal requirement to include in the minutes, details of how each Elected Member had voted on decisions relating to the budget and level of Council Tax. Therefore, items 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 would all be subject to a recorded vote and voting preferences would be documented in the minutes of this meeting.


Subsequently, the Council considered a report which was presented by the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, which outlined the Capital Strategy and Capital Programme Budget proposals for the next four years, 2021/22 to 2024/25.


The Mayor stated the Council was continuing to invest in the future of the Borough despite the tough economic climate with over £340m capital spend planned over the next four years.  Through this investment, residents across the Borough would benefit from continued investment in the Borough’s schools, leisure centres, roads, markets and affordable housing.


It was reported that following the Council’s declaration of a Climate & Biodiversity Emergency in 2019, and the subsequent actions undertaken through the establishment of a Doncaster Climate Commission, production of a new Environment & Sustainability Strategy and Net Zero Carbon Masterplan, the Council proposed to commence a programme of activities to decarbonise its buildings, operations and energy supply, beginning with a £2.6m investment in 2021/22.  The budget also provided funding for considerable tree planting as well as the naturalisation of some grassed areas with wildflowers, and continuing investment in electric vehicles as part of the Council fleet. 


Members were informed that £174.1m would be invested in the Council’s social housing stock over the next four years, covering maintenance, adaptions and the ambitious new build programme.  This also included energy efficiency improvements to respond to climate change, respond to Fly Tipping and reduce the Council’s carbon footprint, and help to keep the Council’s tenants warm whilst also saving them money.


It was reported that the budget included £3.2m to improve Parks across the Borough and £2.0m for a phased investment in leisure facilities continuing to provide access to swimming, indoor sports and gymnasium facilities.


In concluding her presentation of the report, the Mayor was hopeful that the Prime Minister would stand by his words and level up the North; Doncaster was ready and waiting for investment, and had schemes ready.


Following the presentation of the Capital Strategy and Capital Budget proposals, Members were afforded the opportunity to comment on the report.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 21.4, a recorded vote was taken on the recommendations contained within the report, which was declared as follows:-


For - 46


The Vice-Chair of Council, Councillor Andrea Robinson, the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Glyn Jones, and Councillors Nick Allen, Duncan Anderson, Lani-Mae Ball, Nigel Ball, Iris Beech, Joe Blackham, Nigel Cannings, Phil Cole, Mick Cooper, Jane Cox, Steve Cox, Linda Curran, George Derx, Susan Durant, John Gilliver, Martin Greenhalgh, Pat Haith, John Healy, Rachel Hodson, Charlie Hogarth, Mark Houlbrook, David Hughes, Eva Hughes, Richard A Jones, Majid Khan, Jane Kidd, Nikki McDonald, Tosh McDonald, Chris McGuinness, Sue McGuinness, Bill Mordue, David Nevett, Jane Nightingale, Ian Pearson, Andy Pickering, Cynthia Ransome, Tina Reid, Kevin Rodgers, Dave Shaw, Frank Tyas, Austen White, Sue Wilkinson and Jonathan Wood.


Against - 0


Abstain - 2


Councillors Bev Chapman and Sean Gibbons.


On being put to the meeting, the recommendations contained within the report were declared CARRIED.




(1)      the Capital Strategy, as detailed within paragraphs 39 to 79 of the report, be approved;


(2)      the Capital Programme Budget for 2021/22 to 2024/25, as detailed within paragraphs 13 to 38 of the report, be approved; and


(3)      Directors, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, take responsibility for agreeing any significant changes to the Schools Condition Programme and the Local Transport Plan funding, and that they be agreed in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.

Supporting documents: