Agenda item

Covid - 19 Vaccination Programme - NHS Doncaster CCG


The Panel received a presentation from the Deputy Director, Strategy and Delivery of the NHS Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) on the Covid-19 Vaccination programme.


Vaccinations at Home - It was explained that injections undertaken at home were done so through the Primary Care Network sites, where the vaccines delivered by GP practices combined to work through a network site and that they would set up a roving team.  It was outlined that the roving team would contact the individual first to inform them they were eligible and to book an appointment before that team would then vaccinate them at home.


Track and Trace - it was recognised that Doncaster was performing well at 71% and acknowledged that there was some personal responsibility in making this process effective.


Volunteers - In terms of the percentage of volunteers supporting centres, it was explained that the stewards were a mix of volunteers and staff.   A Councillor asked what percentage of Marshalls were volunteers and it was offered that this information be provided outside of the meeting.


Vaccination Sites – It was explained that sites would be open 7 days a week once they had the supply.  Members were assured that Cohorts 10-12 would include working adults and it was therefore recognised that those individuals were less likely to attend an appointment during the day.  It was explained that a range of options such as opening centres on evenings and weekends would also be considered.


It was clarified that the national letters were determined by NHS England who would look at which cohorts of people need to be invited next possibly through age range and or other groups such as unpaid carers.  It was explained that this was centrally co-ordinated sent to people who fit the cohorts.  From a local perspective, there was a direction from NHS England on who the invites need to be sent to.  It was recognised that travelling to a large-scale site was not always suitable and therefore a local option could be more suitable.


Comments were raised around the use of large-scale vaccination sites and the number of people that had been vaccinated there (compared to other types and sizes of venues).  It was explained that a number of issues had been taken into account when choosing local venues such as accessibility and car parking facilities.  In terms of the number of people vaccinated at Keepmoat Stadium, it was noted that the number had been higher than originally expected.


Reference was made to those venues that had been closed during the last year and using them as a vaccination centre to ensure that they are spread out and embedded in the community.  It was responded that there was an option to consider that on a temporary basis (such as a pop-up site) as formal vaccination sites designated by NHS England were the locations where vaccines supplies were delivered to and that could not be changed.  Members were informed that data was being collated to identify issues around take-up and the reasons behind them.


Astra Zeneca Vaccines – In terms of concerns around the Astra Zeneca jab, Members were informed that some impact had been seen in Doncaster.  It was explained that issues around the vaccine were discussed with the individual as part of the consenting process and it was clarified that national advice was being followed.  


It was explained that GPs or other clinicians would attempt to have  conversations with those that had turned down this vaccine.  It was added that the Public Health team welcomed the NHS CCG to signpost such individuals to them.


Complex Lives – Concern was raised around vaccinating those individuals with complex lives (in particular with 2nd doses).  Members were assured that work was being undertaken with services to provide a tailored offer and utilise opportunities to take the vaccine out to those individuals.


Potential Vaccine Shortage – Members were informed that there was an understanding that the reported potential shortage of vaccines only related to 1st vaccinations and that 2nd ones would continue to go ahead.  Members were assured that those with vaccinations already booked in would not be cancelled.  Finally, it was noted that efforts were being made to allocate vaccinations across Doncaster.


The Chair of the Panel thanked those at the meeting for attending and sharing the information.


The Panel resolved to note the information provided.


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