Agenda item

Adoption of the New Model Code of Conduct for Members


The Council considered a report which sought approval to adopt the Local Government Association (LGA) new Model Code of Conduct, as recommended by this Council’s Audit Committee.


It was reported that the current Standards Regime and most Council Codes of Conduct dated back to the Localism Act 2011.  As the Council’s current Code of Conduct for Members was adopted on 12th July, 2012, and as the world had changed substantially since that point, the current Codes had not envisaged the impact of Social Media and the occasional issues that those interactions could cause. 


In 2019, the Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) produced a report into Local Government ethical standards, where its remit was to assure itself that the ethical standards introduced by the Localism Act remained “conducive to promoting and maintaining the standards expected by the public”.  Whilst the Committee largely satisfied itself that the processes in place were appropriate, its main recommendation was that an updated model Code of Conduct be created, providing consistency across England and to reflect the common expectations of the public regardless of geography or tier.  The LGA was tasked with creating an updated model Code, in consultation with representative bodies of Councillors and Officers of all tiers of Local Government. 


Members noted that a key finding from the consultation was the need for further guidance and explanation about key aspects of the Code and Conduct in general.  It was a fundamental aim of the revised Code that it should be from the Councillor's perspective, and a tool to support Councillors in achieving and maintaining high standards of conduct.  The LGA also had the objective that the Code should form the basis of a 'social contract' with the general public, to address issues of public intimidation against Councillors and to help set a framework for public and Councillor interaction, emphasising the importance of courtesy and respect.  A final aim of the model Code was to be concise, written in plain English and be understandable to Members, Officers and the public.


Following the close of the consultation and the issue of a final national model Code, at its meeting held on 29th April 2021, the Audit Committee considered the content of the new Model Code and agreed to recommend to Full Council that the new Code be adopted.  The Council was therefore requested to consider the new model Code of Conduct which was detailed within Appendix A and agree to its adoption with immediate effect. 




(1)      the Local Government Association Model Code of Conduct, be adopted and come into force with immediate effect;


(2)      that the Monitoring Officer be given delegated powers to grant dispensations to Members on the grounds set out in paragraphs 11 to 14 of this report, and that the Audit Committee’s Terms of Reference be amended accordingly; and


(3)      it be noted that a number of other consequential changes to various parts of the Council Constitution arising from the adoption of the revised Code of Conduct, will be made by the Monitoring Officer using his existing delegated authority.

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