Agenda item

Healthwatch Doncaster - Annual Report and Service Update


Steve Shore presented the Healthwatch Doncaster Annual Report for 2020-21 together with a service update.


Regarding future plans and projects, the Board noted, in particular, the following priorities identified by Healthwatch Doncaster for 2021-22:


1.    Restart community engagement and listen to local people about their experiences of accessing services

2.    Mental Health – listen to people’s experience of mental health support in Doncaster

3.    Access to Dental Care –review and investigate the provision of local Dental services for local people


And to achieve the above priorities, the next steps were:


·         Transforming the way that Healthwatch worked Healthwatch Doncaster will be more agile and community-based

·         Maintaining digital engagement alongside face-to-face engagement

·         Continue to focus on listening to people from communities whose voices are seldom heard



In referring to the current priorities identified by Healthwatch, Councillor Nigel Ball queried whether it was planning to carry out any further in-depth work to measure the scale of the problems that people were currently facing in trying to access GP services, particularly in the light of the pandemic and the impact this was having on waiting times and backlogs in services.  He also asked whether Healthwatch had any up to date information outside of the Annual Report on the latest position as regards accessibility to GP services.  In reply, Steve Shore advised that he did not have any up-to-date information on this subject to hand, but he stated that this issue would be taken through the patient participation group for Doncaster that was facilitated by Healthwatch.  This group comprised 2 representatives of patients from each GP practice in Doncaster, and was a useful means of obtaining a snapshot picture of the current situation, and patient opinions, in relation to GP services across the Borough.  Councillor Ball added that this was not a case of wishing to name and shame individual GP practices, but he asked whether it would be possible to geographically map hot spots across the Borough where there were significant accessibility issues and feed this information back to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).  In response, Steve Shore explained that this would be possible and that Healthwatch was always happy to share its findings with the GP practices, the CCG and, looking to the future, the Integrated Care System.  Councillor Ball concluded by referring to the fact that GP Practices had been diversifying in relation to how some services were provided to meet the challenges of the pandemic and, on a positive note, was pleased to see that virtual and telephone appointments with GPs had been generally well received by patients.


In acknowledging Councillor Ball’s comments, Dr David Crichton stated that it was clear that patients were having problems with accessing GP services at the present time and that a backlog of care across the wider health service had built up over the past 18 months.  He stressed that this was a challenge that would not be resolved in the short term.  Dr Crichton stated that the CCG had a good working relationship in Doncaster with Healthwatch and was working with them to look at the current challenges and to get a ‘sense check’ on the current situation.  He also pointed out that the CCG’s governing body was also due to consider the Annual Report later today.


The Board was sorry to hear that Andrew Goodall would be stepping down from his role as Chief Operating Officer at Healthwatch Doncaster in the near future and members wished to place on record their thanks and appreciation for his work over the years.  In reply to a comment regarding recruitment arrangements for Andrew’s replacement, Steve Shore offered to provide a copy of the recruitment pack for circulation to Board members when available, so that they could assist in publicising the vacancy across their organisations.


Phil Holmes commented that having a thriving Healthwatch was vital for the health and wellbeing of residents in the Borough.  He felt that Healthwatch needed to be fully supported by the organisations around it and asked whether there was anything more that partners could be doing to assist in this regard.  In reply, Steve Shore stated that he was pleased with the levels of support that Healthwatch received from partner organisations, although he stated that he would like to work closer with hospitals in the future.  He explained that he was also looking to increase the number of Healthwatch Board members in order to share the load in terms of representation and to help increase Healthwatch’s footprint.


Councillor Cynthia Ransome highlighted the fact that access to dental care was also a significant problem at the current time.  She commended Steve and the Healthwatch staff for their efforts and the work they did, stating that she had received good reports from people who had been in contact with Healthwatch for advice.


After the Board had made a number of further comments/observations on the Annual Report and had thanked Steve and all of the Healthwatch Doncaster staff for their continued hard work, it was




1)    Place on record this Board’s thanks and appreciation to Andrew Goodall, Chief Operating Officer at Healthwatch Doncaster, who was due to step down from his role in the near future; and


2)    To receive the Healthwatch Doncaster Annual Report 2020-21 and note the contents and achievements.


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