Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2022-23


Prior to the consideration by Cabinet and Full Council, the Assistant Director Policy, Insight and Change provided an overview of the revised Corporate Plan for 2022-23.  He outlined how the Plan contributes to the Great 8 priorities in the Doncaster Delivering Together (DDT) Borough Strategy ensuring as an organisation it continued to deliver quality services.


The committee addressed the following issues:


Council’s key ambitions – The Committee acknowledged that each Directorate had been consulted to ensure the Corporate Plan reflected the Council’s ambitions and contributed to shaping the well-being goals.  The Committee noted the arrangements to monitor and ensure these were effectively delivered.


Challenging objectives Members noted that the Corporate Plan focused on areas to be addressed over the next 12 months.  It was also noted that some priorities were in a more advanced stage than others, with delivery plans and resources already in place.  The main challenges highlighted were timescales and resources to deliver long term ambitions, particularly the environmental priorities including de-carbonising housing stock across all sectors.  The Committee stressed it was essential to ensure incremental foundations were in place to build upon, year on year.


To ensure deliverability, the Committee highlighted the importance of the Team Doncaster Partnership Model, being fit for purpose.  Members noted that the principles of the Corporate Plan underpin how the Local Authority supports and was aligned to Doncaster Delivering Together, ensuring it’s approach was moving in the same direction as it’s partners. 


It was also acknowledged that resources were sought at a regional level.  For example, the Council was currently working closely with the Mayoral Combined Authority on the Investment Strategy and where fairness principles would soon be agreed in terms of a share of the allocation, to meet each authorities’ needs.


The Committee agreed that partnership working had significantly improved over the last few years, particularly whilst working on the Covid response, climate change, health and social care reform and the Levelling Up Fund.


Locality working – the Committee noted the way the Authority was thinking about it values and approach to ensure success through locality working.  Members learnt that some issues had already been implemented, for example, the delivery of locality plans, approving lead roles for Directors and addressing how the Authority continues to engage with its communities.


Links between the Council’s different strategic plans - the Committee was pleased to note the process to link the borough wide strategic objectives with the actions of individual employees at all levels ultimately through targets and Personal Development Reviews.  It was emphasised that wider communication with staff, for example, through Team Meetings to familiarise employees with the final Corporate Plan content was essential to its success.


Delivery of the Key Priorities 2022-23 – Members were reassured that progress towards delivering the priorities set out in the Corporate Plan’s goals would be delivered and monitored through the Council’s own performance management framework.  In particular, this would provide Overview and Scrutiny with the opportunity to review progress when it considers the quarterly Finance and Performance Report.  The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee would receive the first quarterly report at its September meeting.


RESOLVED that the Chair be given delegated authority to write to the Mayor with the Committee’s comments and support for the Corporate Plan.


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