Agenda item

Action on CPD for primary and secondary teachers in the coming year - Discussion


Lat Blaylock reported to Members that a Primary Teachers meeting had taken place today regarding Non-Religious World views in Religious Education, which was well attended. Teachers were asked what their future training needs would be and it was identified that the title for the next meeting would be Ofsted related. It was envisaged that there were 3 Ofsted priorities to be focussed on as follows:-


  • Articulate children been able to speak well about RE
  • Teachers confidence on subject knowledge; and
  • Sequencing of progress


Lat also suggested that there needed to be some training on early years for RE, which would be based on the paper SACRE discussed at its’ last time, ‘DfE EYFS Requirements and Guidance applied to RE’, which was now in its final stages and almost ready for circulation. He wished to state that he was grateful to Doncaster Teachers for their help with the Early Years Guidance that will be published.


Lat went on to suggest that a 90 minute on-line session or that we use the early years as a published item for the work we want to do at one of the future Primary Network Groups. It was envisaged that 3 primary network groups would be planned as follows:-


  • Focus of Ofsted
  • Early Years RE
  • A third topic to the determined.


He reported that there was an issue with Secondary training offer. Lat briefly explained that there were funds available for Primary Network Groups to meet and Secondary Network Groups. However, recruitment for Secondary has not been successful enough to run. He stated that work was continuing to be done to on this but at present there was no clear strategy for making training events for Secondary colleagues work in the coming 3 terms. It was noted that any suggestions on how recruitment can be more effective would be appreciated.


Paul Ruane advised Members that there was a far more active Doncaster Association of Secondary Head Teachers with a number of groups extending from that of which one was Subject Leadership. It was suggested that Lat prepare a paper which could then be shared with the Secondary Heads Group, which may be a way of promoting this issue.


Joel Ward asked whether there was any more feedback on why there was such little uptake from Secondary. He suggested whether there was some form of consultation with Secondary RE teachers required. Lat stated that life in schools had been largely disrupted not just within secondary due to the pandemic and it may be that it has slipped down the priority list. It was hoped that this would improve over the coming months. Lat wished to point out that Doncaster was not alone in failing to recruit at the moment.


Joel Ward mentioned that he had been involved in the past in secondary visits to places of worship with representatives from all faiths which would support the curriculum. He suggested that a question and answer session could be undertaken. The Chair, stated that this would be discussed at Item 10 on the agenda.


            RESOLVED that:-


(1)        Suggestions for a 3rd Primary Network Group topic be forwarded to Lat;     and


(2)        Lat to prepare a paper on recruitment for Secondary Network            Groups to be shared with the Secondary Head Groups.