Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2023-24


Prior to consideration by Cabinet and Full Council, the Head of Policy Performance and Intelligence, provided an overview of the revised Corporate Plan for 2022-23.  He outlined how the Plan contributed to the Great 8 priorities in the Doncaster Delivering Together (DDT) Borough Strategy ensuring as an organisation it continued to deliver quality services.  


Here is a broad outline of the feedback provided from the discussion:


Council’s key ambitions – The Committee acknowledged that the Corporate Plan 2022/23 included Great 8 priority areas for the Borough as well as an internal ‘Regenerative Council’ priority programme.  It was set out that this internal programme was set against a framework that would ensure that the Council was fit for purpose in helping to deliver those priorities.  It was explained that each year the plan takes on difference elements of prominence and that some priorities became more important than others and may change in the future depending on external circumstances such as cost of living.  It was continued that coverage wise, the plan was linked into the Borough Strategy to make sure that the Councils contribution this year, alongside the budget, was undertaken correctly through the framework in place.  The Committee noted that to support the pressures identified in the budget, it was important that there was also flexibility in place.


Impact of Budget on Delivering Corporate Plan Objectives – The Committee noted areas of pressures arising from the budget that included the Placement Strategy, Education Care and Health Plans, Public Health and waste.  It was acknowledged that issues such as inflation played a significant part in creating further pressure on the delivery of the Corporate Plan’s priorities.  Members heard how those priorities worked as a driving force beyond the Corporate Plan, helping to structure service plans and identify and review targets in taking forward the work required.


How the Corporate Plan Supports Locality Working – Members were informed that there was a specific section in the Corporate Plan with steps to ensure that locality was being embedded across the organisation.   This included what had been achieved with locality working this year and also the four or five key areas that the Council wants to drive forward.  Reference was made to Great 8 priorities that also had their own set of actions relating to localities including Priority 6. Nurturing a child and family-friendly Borough and Priority 4.  Building opportunities for healthier, happier and longer lives for all.  It was added that there was also mention of how locality working was going to be implemented within teams as part of a specific action. 


In terms of partnerships, it was explained how the Doncaster Delivering Together 10-year vision, was set out through the Corporate Plan.  Members heard that there was a separate partnership Team Doncaster structure and governance model using the same framework to help show how the Council was contributing to those partnership objectives.  It was stated that this framework would be kept for the duration of the Borough Strategy to make sure that each year it showed how the Council was contributing wider.


Regenerative Council - It was recognised that cultural shifts were important moving forward alongside a robust process that sits underneath.  Members were informed that work being undertaken to support this included developing a Workplace Strategy, reviewing how we benchmark across other areas, remuneration, forming recommendations arising from the Peer Review Action Plan and how that will support how we operate and embed the organisations values.  Finally, mention was made to the Council’s robust financial process in place enabling all these aspirations to move forward.


In terms of Team Doncaster, it was noted that there was a transition plan in place ensuring that we were working closely with our partners.  Reference was also made to the Customer Experience Strategy setting out how customers will be interacting and what that experience will look like for us.


In respect of raising staff morale, the Committee was reminded about the staff Rewards and Recognition Portal, the continuation of the staff forum successfully engaging with 600-700 participants at its most recent session as well as the benefits of good management supporting effective feedback, encouraging positive interactions with staff and making them feel valued.


Members were told about the increasing level of regional working, for example, with the South Yorkshire Mayoral Authority and South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership ensuring that Doncaster was working at that level through influencing and shaping.  Reference was also made to the value of Doncaster opening itself up to external visitors, such as the new Active Travel Commissioner to look at how services were being provided in Doncaster.


The Committee also supported that scrutiny work planning should take into account the Great 8 priorities (and accompanying strategies and policies) outlined in the Corporate Plan 2022/23.




·       The Chair be given delegated authority to write to the Mayor with the Committee’s comments and support for the Corporate Plan; and


·       That scrutiny work planning should take into account the Great 8 priorities (and accompanying strategies and policies) outlined in the Corporate Plan 2022/23.


Supporting documents: