Agenda item

Arrangements and Timetable for the Preparation of the Statement of Accounts - 2015/16.


The Committee received a report which provided details of the audit plan and timetable for producing the 2015/16 Statement of Accounts. The statutory deadlines for producing the draft accounts and the approved audited accounts were set out in regulation and were currently 30th June and 30th September respectively.


It was advised that the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 will bring forward the timetable for the preparation and approval of the 2017/18 draft accounts to 31st May and an audit deadline of 31st July. It was noted that the Government believed that this change would reduce the burden of the closure process, enabling finance staff to give more time to in-year financial management.


Members were advised that the Council would quicken the production and subsequent publishing of the draft audited accounts over this year and the following years to meet these future timescales. The intention was for the draft accounts for 2015/16 to be certified and published by 31st May with the audited accounts to be finalised and published by 17th August. It was also noted that the Council would be fully compliant with the deadlines and the revised inspection process for the production of the 2017/18 accounts.


Kathryn Smart asked whether Finance were confident in achieving the dates highlighted at paragraph 11 of the report and whether the restructure of the team would have an impact on that. It was advised that the team were confident and were in a good place at this time. It was noted that Mick Wildman would be leaving the team, however, Rob Isaac would be his replacement and he was very experienced within finance. It was advised that although the team would be working to shorter deadlines it was envisaged that by not providing group accounts which had been agreed with KPMG, this would provide some compensation.


Councillor Richard Allan Jones asked whether the team were confident in receiving the right information and spend from directorates in relation to the budget. It was reported that the timetable is very detailed and the majority of the information is available on the ERP system. With regard to the less specific information such as Assets/Stock Inventory the team would quality assure the information provided.  It was also noted that although the timetable was challenging, KPMG had no concerns to report.


In relation to the ERP system, Councillor Richard Allan Jones asked whether managers were using the system and what percentage level were departments at regarding performance. It was reported that managers were using the system, however, receipting was a key area and finance do review the potential impact on final accounts. Members were advised that most cases would be in the 90% bracket but managers need to get used to reporting on a timely basis. It was also advised that compared with other local authorities, Doncaster performed well and were in a good position.


The Chair requested clarity with regard to paragraph 11 of the report and the use of estimation techniques and whether there were any risks associated. It was advised that the changes in techniques were very minimal and were minor changes which had been carried out in conjunction with KPMG. It was advised that an update could be provided to members on this matter. It was also noted that following the KPMG Audits in February and April, they would provide an update on issues that may have been raised.

RESOLVED that noted the arrangements being put in place to close down future years’ accounts and the draft timetable to meet the revised deadlines for 2015/16.

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