Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2023/24 - 2025/26


The Council considered a report, presented by the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, which sought approval of the Revenue Budget proposals for 2023/24 to 2025/26.


The Mayor reported that despite the significant financial challenges and ongoing uncertainty around Government funding, the proposals set a balanced budget whilst maintaining investment in the Borough and protecting the most vulnerable in the communities.  The Council now had 27% less to spend on services in real terms than it did in 2010/11, which created challenges and represented a £340 reduction per resident.  This budget provided sufficient resources to enable front line services to continue to deliver at their current service levels, despite increased service pressures and rising inflation.  An additional £7.5m had been allocated for the Fair Cost of Care to help address market sustainability, and an additional £6m to recognise the additional costs of children’s social care.


The Mayor pointed out that some difficult decisions had been made to balance the budget and meet an overall recurrent budget gap of £10.2 million in 2023/24.  The savings which had been necessary, minimised the impact on service delivery and would be delivered through close management of budgets and achieving efficiencies through improved working practices, and better use of technology where possible.  Overall, these budget proposals met the £22.3m budget gap over the 3 years.  Subsequently, due to the pressures and future risks, a Council Tax increase of 1.99% was being proposed alongside a further 2% increase for Adult Social Care, which resulted in a total Council Tax rise of 3.99%, as opposed to the 5% maximum which was suggested by Government.  This was unlike the majority of other Councils across the Country that were increasing Council Tax by the full 5%, and meant that Doncaster would continue to have the lowest Council Tax in South Yorkshire, and one of the lowest in the Country for a comparable Council.


Members were informed that to offset the impact of this and to help support those residents who were struggling, the new Council Tax Support Fund grant of £0.6m would be used to provide a £25 reduction to the Council Tax liabilities of working age and pension age Council Taxpayers who were in receipt of benefits.  This was estimated to cost £0.2m.  The balance of the funding would be used to boost the Local Assistance Scheme Budget at a time when it was needed to support people dealing with cost of living increases.  From 2024/25, £0.3m would be added to the Local Assistance Scheme on a permanent basis.


The Mayor also stated that in order to support City Centre businesses and residents, she was proposing to freeze the parking charges at Council operated car parks; she wished to offer completely free car parking, but unfortunately with the current state of Local Government funding, this was simply not affordable.  With still no certainty from Government about funding beyond the next year, it was hard to plan ahead, but the Council was financially well managed and she would do whatever she could to mitigate the impacts of uncertainty.


In conclusion, the Mayor thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for its response to the draft budget proposals, which she had fully considered and responded to. 


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 21.4, a recorded vote was taken on the recommendations contained within the report, which was declared as follows:-


For - 37


The Chair of Council, Councillor Ian Pearson, the Vice-Chair of Council, Councillor Duncan Anderson, the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Glyn Jones, and Councillors Bob Anderson, Iris Beech, Rachael Blake, James Church, Gemma Cobby, Phil Cole, Linda Curran, Aimee Dickson, Susan Durant, Sue Farmer, Sean Gibbons, Julie Grace, John Healy, Leanne Hempshall, Charlie Hogarth, Mark Houlbrook, Barry Johnson, Jake Kearsley, Jane Kidd, Majid Khan, Sue Knowles, Tracy Moran, John Mounsey, Emma Muddiman-Rawlings, Tim Needham, David Nevett, Jane Nightingale, Rob Reid, Andrea Robinson, Dave Shaw, Glynis Smith, Sarah Smith and Austen White.


Against - 0


Abstain – 7


Councillors Laura Bluff, Nigel Cannings, Jane Cox, Steve Cox, Martin Greenhalgh, Thomas Noon and Gary Stapleton.


On being put to the meeting, the recommendations contained within the report were declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that the Revenue Budget for 2023/24 to 2025/26, as detailed within the report, be approved including:-


(1)      the Medium-term Financial Strategy including all proposals in the report, as detailed within Appendix A of the report;


(2)      a Gross Revenue Expenditure Budget of £585.8m and a net Revenue Expenditure Budget of £255.8m, as detailed within Appendix A;


(3)      Council Tax increasing by 3.99% to £1,571.32 for a Band D property (£1,047.55 for a Band A) for 2023/24. This includes:-


(i)        1.99% Council Tax increase, equating to an increase of £30.07 for a Band D property per annum, 58p per week (£20.05 for a Band A per annum, 38p per week); and


(ii)       2% Government Adult Social Care precept, equating to an increase of £30.22 for Band D property per annum, 58p per week (£20.15 for a Band A per annum, 39p per week).


(4)      the Revenue Budget proposals for 2023/24, as detailed within Appendix B (pressures £17.2m) and Appendices C and D (savings £10.9m) of the report;


(5)      the 2023/24 Grants to 3rd Sector Organisations, as detailed within paragraph 54 and Appendix F of the report;


(6)      the fees and charges proposed for 2023/24 at Appendix G of the report; and


(7)      the Chief Financial Officer’s positive assurance statements be noted, as detailed within paragraphs 62 to 78 of the report.

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