Agenda item

Housing Revenue Account Budget 2023/24 - 2026/27


The Council considered a report, presented by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Glyn Jones, Cabinet Member for Housing and Equalities, which detailed the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget proposals for the 2023/24 financial year, and the medium-term financial forecast for the next three years, which had a balanced budget.


The Deputy Mayor reported that the Council was proposing that housing rents increase by 5% plus a further 2% to go towards the acquisition of roughly 230 additional properties over a four year period, to help address housing demand issues in the City.  This would be a total rent increase of 7% for 2023/24 which was is in line with Government policy, and that the average rent in Doncaster would continue to be the lowest of all South Yorkshire Councils and in the lowest 10 for the whole Country at £81.51 per week.


The Deputy Mayor stated that the Council had carefully considered this recommendation due to the current tough times, but approximately 72% of tenants would have their housing benefit or universal credit payment increased to cover the impact of this change.  He pointed out that the average private rent in Doncaster was roughly £650 per month, whereas Council rents were on average £353 per month. 


Members noted that there were nearly 8,000 people on the housing register and that the Council House New Build Programme would help to alleviate this in the medium-term, but the Right to Buy Scheme continued to erode the housing stock.  The demand on services and the need for investment in Council properties, continued to rise and all of this was paid for from tenants’ rents. 


The Deputy Mayor emphasised that he wanted Council tenants to be able to sustain their tenancies and that Council staff were available to assist with this, and also with maximising their income and reducing outgoings.  Poverty and especially fuel poverty, was a concern to the Council, which had been and would continue to invest heavily in energy efficiency improvements across all of its housing stock.  The Council was on track to achieve EPC level C for all of its properties by 2030; almost 50% of the planned Housing Capital Investment Programme for next year would be on investment, which would improve the energy efficiency of its properties.  Over 3,500 properties had received some investment in energy efficiency works in the last two years, and a further 3,500 would receive energy efficiency investment in the next two years.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 21.4, a recorded vote was taken on the recommendations contained within the report, which was declared as follows:-


For - 37


The Chair of Council, Councillor Ian Pearson, the Vice-Chair of Council, Councillor Duncan Anderson, the Mayor of Doncaster, Ros Jones, the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Glyn Jones, and Councillors Bob Anderson, Iris Beech, Rachael Blake, James Church, Gemma Cobby, Phil Cole, Linda Curran, Aimee Dickson, Susan Durant, Sue Farmer, Sean Gibbons, Julie Grace, John Healy, Leanne Hempshall, Charlie Hogarth, Mark Houlbrook, Barry Johnson, Jake Kearsley, Jane Kidd, Majid Khan, Sue Knowles, Tracy Moran, John Mounsey, Emma Muddiman-Rawlings, Tim Needham, David Nevett, Jane Nightingale, Rob Reid, Andrea Robinson, Dave Shaw, Glynis Smith, Sarah Smith and Austen White.


Against - 0


Abstain - 7


Councillors Laura Bluff, Nigel Cannings, Jane Cox, Steve Cox, Martin Greenhalgh, Thomas Noon and Gary Stapleton.


On being put to the meeting, the recommendations contained within the report were declared CARRIED.


RESOLVED that the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget proposals, as detailed within the report, be approved including:-


(1)      rents be increased from 3rd April, 2023 by 7%, as detailed within paragraphs 8 to 12 of the report in line with Government policy. This will increase average weekly rent by £5.33, resulting in an average rent of approximately £81.51 per week. Rents will be charged every week of the year;


(2)      the budget proposals for the HRA for 2023/24, which are contained within Appendix A to the report; these proposals set a balanced budget for the HRA and maintain a reserve of £3.8m; and


(3)      fees and charges, as detailed within paragraph 16 of the report.

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