Agenda item

Health Inequalities - A Focus on Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Communities


The Board received a presentation by Mandy Espey, Marius Taba and Whitley Marie Smith, which outlined the health inequalities being faced by the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities living in Doncaster.  As part of the presentation, Whitley outlined a case study example of the life journey experienced by one female member of the GRT community and how she and her family had been supported by various agencies/partners to make personal life changes that had resulted in positive outcomes for all concerned.


It was reported that there were estimated to be 4000 people from Gypsy Roma and Traveller communities living in Doncaster, the second largest settlement in the region. The GRT community experienced the starkest health and social inequalities of all ethnic groups, with the biggest challenge they faced being hate crime and discrimination, affecting them through all life stages. They also struggled to navigate services and often did not get the timely care and support that they needed. Consequently, they experienced significantly worse mental and physical health, with life expectancy being 10-25 years shorter than the general population. These communities touched a wide range of partners, including housing, health, social care, education, police, prison and young offender services. There was some good work happening across Doncaster to support the communities, but it was not consistent or joined up.


Members noted that the Board was being asked to consider ways of bringing wider partners together to connect with GRT communities, using more of a health inequality and kindness lens to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.  On this subject, the Board noted that there was scope for more joined up working between partners and the ask at today’s meeting was for the Board to support a more integrated approach towards improving the health of the GRT communities.


Arising from discussion on the points raised, a number of Board members gave a commitment to work with Mandy and colleagues in addressing issues around accessibility to services for the GRT community and providing training for their employees/colleagues so that they had a greater insight and appreciation of the GRT communities they served.  Board Members acknowledged that as leaders, each had an important role to play in improving the health outcomes for the GRT communities in Doncaster, both as a moral and a health and wellbeing imperative.


The Chair asked that those organisations on the Board that were not in attendance today be contacted and asked to consider appropriate actions/recommendations, alongside the other Board members, so that an update could be brought to the Board’s meeting in March 2024.




1.         That the Board supports a more integrated and joined up approach towards improving the health of the GRT communities;


2.         That Board members give a commitment to work with Mandy and colleagues in addressing issues around accessibility to services for the GRT community and providing training for their employees/colleagues so that they have a greater insight and appreciation of the GRT communities they serve; and


3.         That those organisations on the Board that were not in attendance today be contacted and asked to consider appropriate actions/recommendations, alongside the other Board members, so that an update can be brought to the Board’s meeting in March 2024.


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