Agenda item

Education Achievement Outcomes for all Key Stages 2023


Achievement across all phases compared with 2019 – a Panel Member referred to paragraph 9 of the report where data showed achievement had either been sustained or surpassed and highlighted this was a testament to the hard work of the children and young people who achieved these results.  Members continued by questioning if there were any notable surprises in setting/school results and if yes, why?


In response it was explained that this cohort was the most impacted by Covid due to there being no mitigation with assessment.  Some schools had sustained achievement and there had been a slight decline in others whilst some sustained the same level.  The Panel was assured that the Local Authority was supporting schools where education had been lost in populations that were impacted by the pandemic.  It was noted that some Doncaster schools had sustained and showed significant improvement with educational outcomes that were serving areas with high levels of deprivation and disadvantage, flipping trends.


Progress 8 and being in line with the national average – It was explained to the Panel that Progress 8 scores being in line with average outlined that pupils made typical levels of progress through secondary school given their outcomes at Key Stage 2.  Members noted it related to starting points, if they were below average at KS2, typical progress meant that pupils remained below average at the end of KS4.


Outcomes for pupils with EHCPs / SEND – a Member questioned why pupils with SEN support were not in line with national average when those with EHCPs were.  It was explained that this was an historical issue and the position was not as positive as had been wished, however, some progress had been made.  The Panel was informed that this issue linked to the next report on the agenda, where historically the primary priority was to drive intervention to ensure support was available, however, intervention was required at a very early stage with schools identifying need at the earliest opportunity.  To achieve early intervention, through the Strategy, a new infrastructure was being developed to provide a strong mechanism within schools, with professional development being provided, a consistent approach being sort and ensuring resources were available for pupils.


Validated results from KS5 – It was noted that there had been a great uptake of more technical qualifications.  The Panel acknowledged Doncaster’s validated results in the report but requested that once the figures from other Local Authorities were available that they be forwarded to Members. 


Phonics results – the Panel was pleased to note that Doncaster was 1% above the national average and that the English Hub support had made an impact.  In response to a query relating to all schools participating with the hub, it was explained that there were a variety of approaches being applied with schools as part of the Reading, Writing and Maths Strategy.  It was noted that RWM Doncaster linked with two of the English Hubs with some schools receiving more intensive support whilst others had a more light touch.  It was reported that the Local Authority was also working with the National Literacy Trust.


Key Stage 1 reading, writing and maths – in response a question relating to schools closing the gap between local and national results, it was explained that schools had employed a variety of measures to address this, with a recent Read Write strategy training event been well attended.  Intensive and comprehensive South Yorkshire Talking Together training package in Early Years that was offered at a universal and targeted level.  Read Write Maths Doncaster has also delivered word aware in a number of schools to develop children’s vocabulary helping them to access the curriculum more effectively and raising attainment.


It was noted that the Local Authority assessment and moderation offer for writing which had primarily focused on the statutory assessment years but would now be expanded to cover all year groups in primary.  It was stressed that children need the right intervention at the right time.


The Panel noted the great examples in schools where improvement was already happening, with schools supporting each other and when something worked well it was shared no matter the designation.


Key Stage 2 Reading – In response to a question relating to work being undertaken to support schools in ensuring pupils became secure and developed mastery, it was explained that reading at the end of the KS2 was assessed by a comprehension paper.  Every year the marks were allocated to a threshold so the children need to get a certain amount of questions right to meet the threshold.  Some children miss this threshold and to support, ongoing work was being undertaken in schools to develop the reading curriculum across every year group.  This included the love of reading, decoding, understanding and discussion about text. 


Outcomes for Looked After Children – Members stressed the good news with regard to the significant improvement for children at early years, Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4.  It was noted that strategies in place appeared to be working but it was stressed that cohort numbers could change significantly and sometimes the children at this stage in their lives could be playing catch up, but it was very positive that education outcomes were improving.


Results when using mock examination programmes – It was noted that most secondary schools had robust mock examination processes in place but the internal data was not available and therefore difficult to evaluate the impact of school results.  The Local Authority had the assurance that teacher assessments had been correct during Covid, when assessing outcomes for 2023.


RESOLVED:  That the Panel reviewed and noted the educational outcomes and data contained within the report.


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