Agenda item

St. Leger Homes of Doncaster Limited (SLHD) performance and delivery update Quarter 2 ended 30 September 2023 (2023/24)


The Committee received a report providing performance information for Quarter 2 of the 2023/24 Financial Year.  The report provided feedback on successes and challenges against the 2023/24 Key Performance Indicators.


Dave Richmond, Chief Executive of St Leger Homes was in attendance at the meeting in order to respond to any questions and queries from Members of the Committee.


Members sought further information in terms of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as in looking at the overall picture, many of these were showing as red, but yet the narrative indicated they were travelling in the right direction.


The Committee were informed that whilst many of these were showing as red, they were in fact in the top quartile of performance nationwide, but as targets locally were very stringent, this meant they were showing as red.


KPIs 2 and 3 – Void Rent Loss - Members noted that whilst this performance was showing as red, St Leger Homes was continuing to perform well in this area.  It was explained that this was in the top quartile for the country and whilst performance was good, the aspiration was to continually do better.


It was noted that there had been a huge increase in the number of homeless across the country over the past year. Members were informed that this was within the region of 125,000 individuals in temporary accommodation, and Doncaster was following national trends in this area.  It was recognised that this continued to be an issue that needed focus going forward.


KPI 6 – Complaints - This was acknowledged as an area of concern, and in reflection there remained to be too many complaints relating to repairs and maintenance. The targets that St Leger Homes faced within this area were seen to be challenging and it was considered important to remain focused on this area and improve its position.


KPI 11 – Sickness - This KPI continued to fluctuate and whilst it was a higher level than CDC due to the number of target days, they were tracking on the same level.


KPI 12 – Local Expenditure - Members noted that this was an ambitious target, and not always achievable as the skills and availability of contractors were not always available locally. Members were informed that whilst a national company may be contracted to undertake a project, they would still look to sub-contract local tradesman, therefore meaning this KPI was still fulfilled indirectly.


KPI 13 – Number of ASB Cases - This was recognised as a major concern and it was outlined that a dedicated Anti-Social Behaviour Team was now in place, and some improvements were now being seen. This continued to be higher than the Yorkshire and Humber expectation.


Members learnt that this was often a difficult target to manage, as incidents of anti-social behaviour tended to peak through the summer months, raising the levels, before falling again through the winter.


Largely, the Committee accepted that the overall picture was still positive, and whilst the methodology was measured differently with hard to achieve targets, this did not take away from the positive work that St Leger Homes was continuing to achieve. Dave Richmond, Chief Executive St Leger reported that they were working continually to stretch themselves and were continuing to perform better than any neighbouring local housing authorities.


            RESOLVED that: -


1)          The Overview and Management Committee acknowledged that the targets and performance indicators that St Leger Homes were working to were currently very hard to achieve; and


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