Agenda item

Financial and Purchasing and Contract Procedure Rules.


The Committee received a report which provided details of Waivers and Breaches to Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) for the period 1st October, 2015 to the end of March 2016. 


The table at Paragraph 2 of the report identified the number of new waivers and breaches recorded by each Directorate since the last audit report presented in November 2015.  Details of each waiver and breach were summarised in the appendices to the report.


Members noted that four breaches to CPR’s had been reported for this period, details of which were set out at Appendix 1.


There were two new breaches of CPR’s reported to the Audit Committee in November, 2015, as well as updates to five existing unresolved breaches.  Since that time, two of these breaches had been remedied and contracts were in the process of being awarded in respect of Mortuary Services and CCTV services.  However, the five remaining unresolved breaches were detailed within Paragraph 14 of the report for Members’ information.


It was further reported that 28 waivers to CPR’s had been approved during this period, details of each waiver were set out at Appendix 2 of the report.


Following the brief introduction of the report, members raised the following comments/concerns:-


Councillor Susan Durant asked what the justification was in providing an extension to the New Horizons contract as the former grant had not been fully utilised. Councillor Durant asked for a response to be provided.


A number of other concerns were raised with regard to the current waivers and breaches within Learning and Opportunities (Children and Young People) Directorate and whether the practices now in place would ensure procurement was done in a timely manner and whether the Director was comfortable with the action plan produced. It was advised that those concerns were shared and new arrangements were being put in place to ensure CPR’s were complied with. Audit was being carried out in relation to breaches. Mandatory manager training was being provided to ensure managers understood their responsibilities in relation to compliance with the CPR’s. Damian Allen, Director, assured members that he felt comfortable with the actions taken so far and an update report would be brought back to the next meeting of the Audit Committee.


The Chair requested an update in relation to the 5 remaining unresolved breaches set out within paragraph 14 of the report. Members were provided with the following details:-


Doncaster Mind & Changing Lives – It was advised that an extension had been given as this matter would now be dealt with as part of a wider review for transforming the service and it would be concluded within the next 6 months.


Older Peoples alarm scheme – It was reported that a report was being produced which outlined a number of options. The report would be processed through Directors and Leadership Team and a further update be provided in the next report.


Springwell Lane and Lanark Drive – It was noted that Springwell Lane had now been transferred to Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) from the 1st April, 2016. Discussions were still on-going with regard to Lanark Drive, Members would be informed once an update was available.


Solar Centre – Members were advised that the current situation remains the same as before. There were individual reviews taking place and the team were keeping a close eye on the situation. An update would be provided within the next report.


Autism Family Practitioners – This breach had now concluded.


The Chair asked that it be made clear to Managers that the breaches were being looked at by the Audit Committee and an update would be sought with regard to all breaches.


The Chair asked what the current position was with regard to DIAL Doncaster and whether market testing had been carried out. It was advised that the contract was out to tender at present and the service area had been involved in the market exercise. Further details would be made available in due course.


Clarification was sought in relation to the 4 items which were over the European procurement limit and what the risks were for the Council and how these were mitigated. It was advised that although there were risks these were minimal. The Council would prepare a Voluntary Ex-Antae Transparency (VEAT) notice which ensures openness and transparency within the market. It was noted that the time limit for any challenge would commence once the VEAT notice had been published.


A query was made in relation to 24 month contract for RDaSH to provide 0-5 Public Health Services and whether this was sufficient time for such a complex contract. It was advised that the matter had been discussed with the Director for Public Health at length and 2 years had been agreed. It was advised that there was still a great deal of work to be carried out.


A suggestion was made to add a column to the table which identifies the name of the responsible Director. It was noted that this would be added for future reports.


RESOLVED that the information and actions contained in the report, regarding waivers and breaches of C.P.R’s, be noted.



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