Agenda item

Quarter 4 Performance Update and Focus on Substance Misuse.


The Board considered a report which provided the latest performance figures for the Quarter 4 period.  The paper set out the current performance against the agreed priorities in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


It was reported that a refreshed ‘outcomes based accountability’ (OBA) exercise was completed parallel to the refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The five outcome areas remain and specific indicators had been identified which would measure progress towards these outcomes in 2015-16. Further information and narrative around the performance was available in Appendix A to the report. The OBA methodology moved away from targets for the whole population indicators and this was reflected in the report. Instead, the trend and direction of travel was the key success criteria.


Members were advised of the additional OBA exercise that had taken place for drugs misuse on individuals, families and communities. This along with alcohol would provide information for a combined area of focus for substance misuse for 2016/17. Additional measures proposed to be included were as follows:-


·         Increase the proportion of all in treatment, who successfully complete treatment and do not re-present within 6 months

·         Reduce drug related offending (reoffending of DDR clients)

·         Increase the number of clients in treatment  who live with children

·         Increase Numbers in Treatment

·         Drug related crime (TBC)


In a response to the Chair’s query regarding Outcomes 4&5 being harder to measure, it was stated that as there was more in-depth work to be carried out, the short term performance figures were harder to achieve. It was noted that some outcomes take longer to turn around and become engaged in the programme. Jackie Pederson stated this was something the Clinical Commissioning Group would need to take away and grasp an understanding of the issues but was keen to engage in the process.


Councillor Glyn Jones stated that whilst the information provided a good snap shot, he asked whether there was any possibility of breaking the figures down to give a more accurate picture on the differing levels of intervention to identify any trends. It was noted that this could be accommodated.


Further discussion took place with regard to Outcome 4 and the various elements associated with Dementia.  The report was welcomed by the Board but Members felt that the subject warranted a more in-depth discussion at the Board’s next meeting in September and requested that it be added to the Forward Plan along with Prevention.  It was noted that if any Member of the Board wished to make comments on the matter prior to the meeting they should forward these to Dr Rupert Suckling.


The Board received a presentation by Helen Conroy on Substance Misuse which included the following key areas:-


·         Size of the problem: prevalence

·         Headline treatment figures for drug treatment

·         Emerging issues

·         Drugs and Alcohol as a priority

·         Successes; and

·         Challenges


Following the presentation, it was agreed that further discussion was needed around the subject of prevention. It was also noted that some discussion was required with regard to licensing of premises such as off-licences within the Borough. It was suggested that there was clustering of these premises within the town and a more strategic approach was required.


                  RESOLVED that:-


(1)        the performance against the key outcomes be noted;


(2)        the presentation on the Alcohol area of focus be noted;


(3)         the Board receive a detailed report on Dementia at its next meeting in September 2016; and


(4)        performance reports will contain drug performance      information from Q1 2016-17 onwards.

Supporting documents: