Agenda item

Quarterly Performance & Progress against Ofsted Action Plan - Trust update report.


To accompany the report, the Head of Performance and Business Intelligence from Doncaster Childrens Trust provided a detailed outline of the Contract performance monitoring arrangements and the Panel addressed areas detailed below.


Case File Audits – It was explained that the Childrens Trust held concerns with regard to this therefore so undertook additional work addressing quality of case work, how much is the child’s voice was heard ensuring a positive difference was being made to the child’s life.  Members noted that the Trust had struggled with the long standing culture of lack of compliance with regard to recording all details on case work files but were now working with the Auditors to address the situation.  A high bar had been set and it had been found that the quality of work was improving with the last 50 cases improving significantly.  The LGA had stated that all children were safe without exception.


Following concern expressed by Members it was acknowledge that it was imperative for all files to be updated with correct information and capture key events in a child’s life, particularly if the case worker was away from work for a long period, to ensure as much detail is available about a child, otherwise the latest position could revert to square one.  It was noted that if a member of staff was absent from work, the case files became the responsibility of the team manager to ensure they were supported correctly.


Agency Rates – It was explained that there had been an active recruitment campaign and the need to remain competitive to attract the right people for positions but it was noted that the turnover rate was low and sickness was at its lowest ever.   It was stressed that staff should not be overloaded with cases.  It was also accepted that due to the nature of the work, there would always be a need to employ agency staff.


NEET Figures – It was confirmed that Job Centre Plus had not been commissioned to provide provision for young people in care, however, it was reported that partners had submitted a large bid to the “Innovation Programme for Children in Care” to equip them with the appropriate employment skills required.   There was a real enthusiasm and engagement from partners and it was recognised that Doncaster was a good place for young people at the present time with £4m of investment over 3 years to strength the virtual school and holding providers to account. 

It was stressed that if the bid was not successful, there were other targeted activities being undertaken through the Youth Service, including with youth crime prevention.  The Panel required if details of training providers and the number of care leavers engaged in training be provided before the next meeting.


Suitable Accommodation – In response to Members expressing concern with regard to the percentage showing red of children in care aged 19 to 21 in suitable accommodation, it was explained that this relates to those young people that case workers were currently in contact with.  The indicator was assessed for 13 weeks around the young persons 16th birthday.  Some young people could be in the custody suite and this was questioned whether this was suitable accommodation, as the young person should not be in this position in the first place.


RESOLVED:  that the discussion be noted.


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