Agenda item

Doncaster Children's Services Trust Update - Overview of outcomes from recent external evaluation:- - LGA Peer Review - Ofsted Monitoring Visit.


Members were presented with an overview of the outcomes from two recent external evaluations.  These included the Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review carried out in July 2016, this looked into how the Trust was keeping children safe and its progress made following its Ofsted inspection last October.  Secondly, an update was provided regarding the Ofsted Monitoring Visit that was conducted in August over 2 days.  The Director of Learning and Opportunities reported that Ofsted and LGA gave reassurances as to improvement in the progress made to improve services for children and young people in need of help an protection, most importantly, no evidence was found of children being left at risk of significant harm.


Members were informed by the Trust how both reviews had looked at effectiveness of the social work practice   The issue remained that there was too much demand at the front door with a significant number of referrals for Information, Advice and Guidance, and Members were informed that front door arrangements had been strengthened


One of the major challenges reported to the success of the Trust was that the LGA were not convinced of the shared ownership or shared investment from key partners to provide Early Help.  Members were informed that there had been significant developments have been made in relation to the quality of available data within Early Help, but wider ownership and engagement by partners is key to further improvement.  Members were informed by the Director of Learning and Opportunities about the role of the Performance Accountability Board (PAB) which had been meeting since last autumn, demonstrating the commitment at the top of the key organisations involved to work on cross-cutting issues to achieve change and improvement.  It was explained that the PAB held to account partner agencies across the children’s system and challenge was provided on what partners were doing to address pressures as to the social care and safeguarding within their own organisations.  It was also stated that in order to ensure that demand for services is appropriately managed across the children’s system there needs to be a better and shared understanding by partner agencies around thresholds and the pathways for services across the early help and statutory spectrum.  It was further reported that improvements need to be made to the social care IT system, but the Trust is aware of these issues and has a rigorous programme to address them.


Members learnt that at the point that Ofsted conducted their monitoring visit there has been a recent reduction in contacts and assessments since the introduction of the ‘Early Help Hub’, and a further reduction since the implementation of the ‘Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub’ (MASH). It was recognised that whilst there had been a consistent reduction in re-referrals since the establishment of the Trust, further work needed to be undertaken with partners.


Early Help Achieving for Children


In response to concerns around lack of partner understanding, Members were informed that, as part of the delivery responsibilities by the Council regarding the Early Help Service, a restructure of Childrens Centre had been undertaken as well as the Universal 0-5 Starting Well Service with the structure now being populated.  It was explained that through the restructure, the existing Head of Service of Stronger Families was currently overseeing the management of the Starting Well Service.  It was explained that this restructure was about a remodelled and rationalised centre offer (with a more expanded Early Help offer) which will guide Doncaster to have a locality model which provides a better alignment of services and current management structure that included early years and early help. 


It was commented that health service do not currently refer into the stronger families offer and it was questioned whether there would be a better identity of the Council’s Stronger Families offer so that other agencies knew who to contact.  It was responded that this issue would be picked up by the Head of Service.


LGA Peer Review


Clarification was sought regarding arrangements around CSE and specialist teams, it was questioned which report should be believed as they reported different aspects.  It was responded that the teams were questioned in different ways looking at how far it was embedded, the level of knowledge and quality of intervention.  It was reported that there was a challenge around the shared understanding of data, intelligence of hotspots and individuals of concern.  It was commented that South Yorkshire Police needed to be timelier with problem profiles.


Members were concerned that they had previously been told that there were no hotspots.  Members were informed that there were clusters of potential concern that may move over time such as shops and establishments where young people gather.  It was acknowledged that there was a particular local authority that had experienced particular problems with exploitation.


In respect of language used within assessments, a Member expressed their unhappiness and upset regarding the inappropriate language that had been used as referenced within the report. 


It was reported that through management and strategic groups there had been discussions about problem profiles and undertaking a focused profile. 


RESOLVED: That The Panel notes the findings of the reports and acknowledges the improvement to services for children, young people and their families.


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