Agenda item

Doncaster Education Attainment Summary 2016.


The Panel received a report providing information about the 2016 educational outcomes of children and young people aged 5, 7, 11 and 16.


Members were informed that during the last couple of years, work had been undertaken with a national consortium and exam results were now received on the day with the information later being sent to schools with further provisional analysis being undertaken. It was clarified that there were stronger links to DFE, other authorities and improved systems. 


It was recognised that there was a popular belief that the Council was unable to make comment or provide appropriate challenge with academies.  Members were told how duties sat with the Regional Schools Commissioner who had a duty to identify coasting schools.  The Panel was told how the Director of Learning and Opportunities had met with the Commissioner with a challenge that they would undertake their role, as the Council would undertake theirs.  It was added that Heads and Chairs of Academies had been alerted where they were falling short compared to maintained schools.  Members were informed that there was the intention to rebroker or approve failing schools or those not meeting required standards.  Members were reminded that the Council has a statutory responsibility for the outcomes of all children. 


It was questioned whether a separate session was needed to consider the information on a separate occasion.  It was clarified that the information would be brought back to the Panel once validated and that care needs to be taken so that overview and scrutiny does not duplicate the role of governing body and teachers.  Members were informed that a Member workshop could be delivered about scrutinising education results.  The Panel was informed that an information pack had been developed providing guidance on how to challenge Headteachers.


It was commented that historically the relationship between the Council and schools had varied and changed over two parliaments and that the Council still retains a school improvement function which may change.  It was commented that it was appropriate for overview and scrutiny to hold the Council to account in how that was being done.  Members were informed that there would be an Ofsted HMI visit over the summer with the purpose of the review to inspect post Ofsted action plan which was signed off.


2016 results have reaffirmed the need to place additional focus on reading through the Key stage 2 Raising Achievement Initiative.


Action: Subject to Members interest that a workshop around KS2 be arranged around changes in methodology


It was commented that KS4 figures expressed disappointment, that 3% achieving 5+ A* to C Including English and Mathematics equates to one child.  It was commented that it would be helpful to have a deeper diver to look at what sits beneath that.  It was added that 50% which formed the greater majority achieved D and below.

Action: For the Panel to receive more detail at a future meeting.


There was a brief discussion about governance arrangements around the importance of Looked after Children and it was stated that the appropriate route for any issues would be the Children in Care council and the Corporate Parenting Board.  Further to that it was added that if there were any further issues yielded then overview and scrutiny could be involved.  It was questioned what was the Councils role in respect of the Virtual School.


Action: To circulate the Virtual School Annual Report


RESOLVED: That the panel notes;


·                Challenges that are in place to the DfE, Governing Bodies and School

·                Leaders to improve performance at all levels, including proposals for the growth of Multi-Academy Trusts

·                The transformational nature of school improvement support and services within Doncaster, across the region and nationally

·                That year one of the Key stage 2 Raising Achievement Initiative placed focus on writing and GPS as subjects identified as weak in 2015.

·                2016 results have reaffirmed the need to place additional focus on reading through the Key stage 2 Raising Achievement Initiative.

·                Changes to the curriculum and assessment system.

·                That in line with the white paper ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’ the next phase of current strategies and initiatives looks to build on educational performance by building character and resilience in every child.


Supporting documents: