Agenda item

Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) Report


The Panel was presented with the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board’s annual report detailing what the Safeguarding Adult Board has accomplished during the year to achieve its main objective and implement the strategy.  The annual report also sets out the findings of any Safeguarding Adults Reviews completed and the subsequent actions arising from those reviews.


Members were informed how the Care Act 2014 had placed the Safeguarding Adult Boards on a statutory footing and brought a significant change for safeguarding adults practice.  From the 1st April 2014, the Board had been implementing requirements of the Care Act including developing a strategic plan, publishing an annual report and undertaking safeguarding reports.  It was explained that much of the 2015/16 resources was used to revise a new framework, new terminology and shift to an outcome focused approach.


It was outlined that some of the positive work undertaken included;


·         A positive engagement strategy.

·         Continuation to support forums, in that abuse will not be tolerated.

·         Creation of leaflets and posters.

·         Production of a safeguarding film (created for both public and professionals).

·         Shared lessons with agencies and the board received 2 action plans received for final sign off and approval.

·         All concerns to go through the newly appointed Chair John Woodhouse.


The Panel was informed following a peer review for the Board and operational safeguarding arrangements, that a multi-agency action plan had been agreed with 80% completed with further work to be carried out.  It was added that positive feedback had been received when evaluating the peer review ensuring that it was having the right impact and that the actions were right.


It was acknowledged that some actions required a longer term approach with some areas needing further assurances.  This had resulted in further work being undertaken as strengthening the team had taken longer than expected.


During a further debate the following areas were discussed:




It was recognised that training provided was very good and it was questioned how confident the board was in getting the message out to communities.  Members were informed that statistics of safeguarding concerns were monitored.  Members were also told that figures and concerns regarding safeguarding that came through the adult’s hub had increased year on year as more reports were coming through.  It was reported that there was a confidence that the relevant agencies were getting on the agenda.


In respect of e-learning courses, concern was raised regarding the attendance figures presented by partners such as RDASH and St Leger Homes, which were felt to be poor.  Members were assured that agencies undertake their own single agency training.


Actions: That single agency training figures are highlighted in future reports.


Section 42 enquiries – Neglect or acts of omission


Concern was raised that these figures were too high.  Members were informed that Social Care and Support Workers were addressing such areas through preventative measures, reviewing training and awareness raising as well as taking relevant action when it arises. It was acknowledged that there was now a robust process in place.


Locations - Inadequate or needs improvement


The Panel discussed what the board was doing in regards to registered locations that were deemed as inadequate or needing improvement.  Members were informed that regular weekly meeting were taking place looking at providers across the board to ensure they were able to address their own areas for improvement.  It was added that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) were working jointly with the board.


RESOLVED that the Panel note the report.


Supporting documents: